Why such a long grind?

I’ve been playing this game for like 150 days now, got 6.7 in Germany and USA, and 8.7 for USSR. I bought a couple premiums and it feels like it takes eternities to get to top tier. Why does Gaijin do this? Why not have a quicker grind and focus on enhancing gameplay? Games like MTC 4 on Roblox do great, and they don’t even have a grind.

Because it keeps you playing, otherwise people would complain their is nothing to strive for if everything could be unlocked quickly.

If you want some Top Tier, there are options such as joining a Squadron to grind out a top tier squadron vehicle, or buying a premium.

Simply put:

To push you into monetary transactions. This is the only reason.

It’s just a common monetization strategy in F2P games.

They know it’s slow, which is why there’s multiple different purchasable things to speed it up.

Create problem, sell solution.

In of itself, I don’t mind this. I’ve gotten more than a decade of enjoyment out of this game and happy to support it, I just wish it wasn’t quite so painfully slow even after you’ve handed over the money. I find the rate of progression with premium items acceptable in air modes, but in ground, naval and especially heli, it still feels too slow no matter how much you spend.

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You should have bought premium time instead. And if speed is esssential to you, you should have unlocked a full tree first, to get boni when researching. But there is really nothing at top tier that is worth having. Just wait until top tier isn’t top tier any longer. That is when it starts to be enjoyable.