Why Singapore is suitable to join the Chinese TT

First of all, according to Singapore’s 2016 demographic statistics, more than 70% of Singapore’s population is Chinese, according to the statistics of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in 2019, the Chinese national population living in Singapore is 451,481, of which 52,516 are from Hong Kong and 18,820 are from Macau, accounting for about 0.08% of the total population

Second, Singapore maintains a friendly and ambiguous attitude towards both Beijing and Taipei politically, the Singapore government and Beijing signed a two-way visa-free policy on January 25, 2024, while Taipei has always allowed Singapore’s troops to be stationed, with tens of thousands at its peak, they are called “Starlight Troops”, and there are currently more than 3,000 people

Third, Chinese players are not resistant to Singapore vehicles joining the tech tree, and most Chinese players discuss in their own Chinese forums, and the results of the discussion are generally two: “It’s interesting” and “BVVD is making replica cars to fry cold rice again”

In the end, I am actually not very interested in Singapore, nothing more than a C-armored high-definition thermal imaging Leopard 2, I already have A7V and 122b, there is no need to drive the Chinese Leopard,,I’m more interested in IFV in Singapore. for the vehicles of Southeast Asian countries, my opinion is because of the intricate relationship between East Asia and Southeast Asian countries, where these cars are best to come from and where to go, the ASEAN line is unrealistic, Malaysia and Indonesia themselves have to fight first, joining Japan or United Kingdom is even more unrealistic, The biggest relationship between these two countries and Southeast Asia is that they have committed crimes against Southeast Asia


In general, if you look at it from an objective point of view, Singapore is even a more suitable feeder than Pakistan and North Korea to join the Chinese tech tree
It’s unique and interesting enough, has deep ties to the tech tree mother country, and even has troops stationed on each other’s territory in a way that neither North Korea nor Pakistan can do

I believe Chinese and Japanese tech trees should be merged together. Just make one huge Asian tech tree.

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So why not let Israel and Germany form an alliance?


Nah, Germany should be merged into European tech tree with other European nations. Israel should be merged without middle East and Russia.

Before Japan’s World War II vehicles were removed, the Pan-Asian tech tree was tantamount to allowing Jews and Nazis to fight side by side

Yes, I basically agree with your issue, however I am happy to see Leo SG show up in the CN tech tree. Especially, we all know gaijin and players are hard to get materials of the Chinese vehicles.

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Setting aside the political aspects of this supposed leak, my principle reaction is that it’s primarily just lazy. The game is already drowning in Leopard 2s, they’re probably the most widespread top tier MBT family in the game, being present in 3 different national lineups already and making up 2 of those nation’s most popular high tier premiums. You can barely play a game at 10.7 without running into a solid wall of Leo 2A4 clones.

Copy paste is becoming more and more of a problem for the game as time goes on. The reasons for picking one nation over another get increasingly blurry when you can get access to some of a nation’s best or most iconic vehicles in whatever nation you fancy. It makes the gameplay more stale when everyone’s running around in the same vehicles game after game, and even moreso when you’re forced to stock grind effectively the same vehicle over and over again. Copy paste should be reserved for when there are absolutely no domestic designs that fit a specific, required niche.

There are hundreds of possible Chinese vehicles that could have made excellent squadron vehicles on their own, which are both more fitting and far more interesting.

Or, if we were really desperate to add in a new nation as a subtree for China, North Korea is right there. I don’t think anyone would argue that NK belongs somewhere else, effectively being a pseudo-puppet state of China’s, and they’ve got some seriously weird and wacky vehicles that make great additions to the game. Plus, they’re already present in the air tree with the Shenyang F-5.

It really feels like a no brainer to me to go with NK over Singapore, especially considering China’s belligerent attitude to it’s neighbours in SEA.