Why not make a mode with no planes?

Person I was replying to said this is a combined arms game so having a TO mode would directly contradict that.

I was trying to say that this game will still remain just that, no one would remove the current GRB.

What do you mean by this ?

War thunder is kinda based on planes.

Doesn’t stop Gaijin from making a new mode without them.

I meant to put that with my previous response, sorry.

don’t think it would be very entertaining and it would make spaa useless :))

People spend money on CAS premiums and or just grind the air tree for it. If this game mode is going to be added gaijin loses money. “Both game modes could stay at the same time” Lol almost 3/4 will be playing ground forces only, my self included.


Most AAs would be useful in the new mode and other ones could be played in current GRB.
Getting CAS’d isn’t entertaining for many, but here we are.
Also, no one would force you to play the mode, so you’ll lose nothing.

We don’t need to add anything to ARB for WT to be classified as a combined arms, that’s what I was trying to say.
Same principle applies to the TO mode.

Regarding sniper vehicles, I do believe they are heavily (for no reason) neutered with the presence of CAS, as most of them can only sit there and wait for something to shoot at. They would surely get used more in a mode without CAS.

It’s not that simple, not by a long shot.

Revenge CAS is too rare to outweigh the cons. Campers are a far bigger problem.

Because Gaijin want to punish and humiliate us in vehicles.
I would be very happy without CAS, especially without those bombers who destroyes 6 vehicles with one bomb. After all, bombers never do CAS in real wars.

Sometimes I feel like s*it in tank. I manage to handle multiple enemies on ground, find a spot where I can hide while reload and I not a camper who finds one spot and stay there for whole battle. But course of battle gets me there. I survive against 3 enemies and stil one or more keeps me pinned. But then… aircraft pop a banana and destroys me.
I feel like a garbage, for being better than some enemies.

Yeah it is, tanks are balanced around tank vs tank combat.
You don’t need CAS to do the dirty work.

Not quite as we have literal camper vehicles that should do that kind of playstyle.

you’re getting CASed at the price of being able to CAS someone else. It never was fun to be on the receiving end of a missile/bomb

CAS plays an important role and it effects balance. Besides, what do we do with 50% of SPAA?

If vehicles designed for camping are fine by you, then vehicles designed to counter them should also be fine by you.

Some aren’t interested in planes/helis at all.

If CAS had such an important role and affected balance in such a way it wouldn’t be a completely optional vehicle type.

50% is gross overestimation as only IR-only AAs would not be able to engage ground units, but they’d still be able to scout and call arty. They would also have their place in the current GRB.

Tanks can counter them, you don’t need CAS.
Not every mode needs CAS.

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That’s not how it works.

Also .50cal SPAAs, and doing nothing but scout and arty is useless.

A Wiesel 1A4 can theoretically counter an A-4E Early, does that mean we don’t need any more modern SPAA systems?

Yes it is as you cannot balance a mode over a totally optional vehicle type that doesn’t even need to be spawned in the duration of the game.

They can still hurt other ground vehicles, thus they wouldn’t be useless.

Same here.
I’m sure loads of people are fed up with toxic air and are playing GRB just because they have to.

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I’m guessing the reason they don’t make that a mode is because it would more then likely be very popular reducing player count in normal modes which in turn makes wait times longer and they will lose money on people not buying premium cas air crafts.

ngl not having planes in ground RB would mean a lot of camping, planes do get rid of that issue (plus big targets) but I do agree it’s kinda abusive sometimes