Why not make a mode with no planes?

It’s simply a bad idea, and Warthunder is a combined arms game.

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It will still be a combined arms game even if there’s a separate TO mode.

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TO is not combined arms, and also causes a plethora of issue, and not only that, there’s no incentive to add it.

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Air modes aren’t as well but they are still a thing.
Tell me what issues specifically would TO bring gameplay wise ?

SPAA will become useless.

Camping spots will become worse.

There will now no longer be a way to take out high priority targets as easily.

It also makes many aircraft completely obsolete outside of rare cases in sim (and that has it’s own issues too).

I want Gaijin to attempt to balance CAS before they just remove it.

Air is an entirely different story.

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Air modes have air and ground targets, although I do agree that we should get ARB EC that allows ppl to spawn ground vehicles.

It would take tons of extra manpower, time, and money to implement, and re-balance.
Increased queue times (not an issue at most BRs, but still an issue).
Gajin has said multiple times that TO will never be added.
Nations that rely on CAS at certain BRs would be useless.
Camping would become more of an issue.
Only a minority of players would play it.

All of these downsides, and what incentive is there?
It’s not gonna stop CAS haters from complaining (they will move on to something else equally as stupid)
It’s not gonna convince current players to pay money.
It’s not gonna bring in any new customers.

A proper 8.3 SPAA for America has better chances of getting added than TO does.

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Sweden from 6.7-8.7 arguably has the best SPAA, excepting maybe that goofy HE-VT ZSU china has.

Bkan is just that good imo.

Imagine the lack of gameplay for bombers in their dedicated “air” mode, and feel the need to ruin it for other players in a different game mode who want to have nothing to do with them lol “that’s why we couldn’t give you tank-only mode bro, else bombers has no use in this game haha”


Could you write this up as a clear statement? Thanks.

Tanks are just useless and boring, at least, they are funny targets for planes !

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I mean we could get AI air targets to keep it “combined”.

Implementing it would be easy as it’s a GRB without air. Balancing would also be automatically done by looking at vehicle efficiency, just like it’s done now.

Revenge CAS would be no more so mode itself would have a lot of pros.

Source ?

Source ?

SPAA will become useless.

SPAA is pretty much at most BRs useless now…

Camping spots will become worse.

Since so many maps changed to the worse there are not many spots left that would you not allow to kill the enemy while in the tank itself.

There will now no longer be a way to take out high priority targets as easily.

You mean revenge killing?

It also makes many aircraft completely obsolete outside of rare cases in sim (and that has it’s own issues too).

like SPAA is currently?

The answer is simple, MONEY.

What br would the ozelot be?

Only a select few that can’t attack ground vehicles (like Strela and Ozelot) would indeed be useless in that mode. But, current GRB would still exist for any AA enjoyers so I don’t see a problem with it to be honest.

Remember, no one is forcing TO onto the current GRB, it would be a separated mode.

Vehicles that are specifically built for camping should be able to utilize their playstyle without worrying of getting strafed after a single kill. GRB has more than enough handholds for players to be able to counter snipers/campers from the ground.

One of the big downsides of ARB being a cesspool for years and years.
Certain planes being obsolete in their own mode should be an urgent problem, but I guess adding yet another brokenly OP UFO to the game is more important for Gaijin, and honestly to many ARB players themselves which is quite sad to see.

I don’t think so.

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Lower than Wiesel 1A4.

the problem with team games, where team play isn’t incetivised, but things like killstealing etc.
The whole game is a team game, that is best, if you play for yourself

WZ305 is god-tier, indeed. Combined with PGZ09, with its AMEAD rounds - I would fear China SPAA as a CAS player more than any other nation around 8.0 and up until nations start getting the god-tier Strela. Although, I have to give props to the missile SPAA that pop up at BRs where players don’t often expect it or don’t have countermeasures, such as the Chap and Type93.

I dont like the idea of vehicles having zero use in a game mode.


They could still scout enemies and call arty, which is especially true for Ozelot as it’s mobility and thermals would be amazing in lower BRs.

What do you mean? You can’t add player controlled ground vehicles without sacrificing something for the planes.

That isn’t entirely true.