Why Merkava MK.2D at 9.7, and Gaijin removed all Merkava MK1 /2 from 9_2 Sim battles?

Is there any difference make Merkava MK2D to 9.7, which is higher than MK.2B? they do have the same shells M413, same mobility, and similar armor, how could MK2D move to 9.7? now it is almost 100% in 10.3 to against leo 2 or T80. And also Gaijin removed all Merkava from 9_2 sim battles? That’s 100% unfair.

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Bc Israel, all Merkava must suffer.


yes, absolutely fair.

Then now all Merkava needs to face t90s and mbt 2000 lmao.

While such trash tanks as t-55, t-62, object 685 don’t have to face merkava, NotOp-90105 and AGS.

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But AGS still there, and other 9.3 BR tanks are still there as well, which is even better than Merkava.



Merkava is too strong for 9_2. Just admit it. And it’s fine in 10_2.

Br doesn’t determine effectiveness.

The only difference between the Merkava MK2D and MK2B lies in their turret protection kits.

As one of the earliest vehicles in the Israeli tech tree, Gaijin introduced a little “buff” when they released this bundle: the engine was made virtually immune to most APDS rounds under 120mm or with less than 430mm of penetration. You could damage the engine, but you couldn’t injure the crew by penetrating it.

This buff was “fixed” a few months later when the Israeli ground forces tech tree was officially released, but by that time, Merkava MK2D players had already achieved incredibly high win rates and KD ratios. As a result, the developers mistakenly believed that the Merkava 2D was stronger than other Merkava 1/2, and when they issued M413 APFSDS rounds to all Merkava 1/2s, they increased the BR of 2D by 0.7, compared to only 0.3 for the other Merkavas.

You just want to use T90 and MBT2000 to hunt Merkava, and you don’t even admit that Merkava 1/2/3 at the same match.

If BR doesn’t, what determines it? your feeling?I can’t believe a guy who hasn’t play any Merkava or any Russian tanks at SIM 9_2 battles can say that Merkava is too strong.

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So katyusha’s effectiveness equals to sherman or kv-1e on same 4.0?

That pure fact. Merkava has stong shell, decent reload, very good armor, thermal sights and laser rangefinder.
And there is no place for her against t-55.

Lol, they are trash. Like all soviet-like tanks. Nato tanks are superior.
Besides, why don’t u use merkava 3 in 10_2?)

So you just put such an event vehicle which is the extreme case to prove the BR system doesn’t work?

Good armor? Seems you really didn’t play any of merkava, even M735 3bm25 can easily pen the front armor, and there are T64a and 2S25 at 9_2 as well.

You even know that Merkava 3 at 10_2, so you admit that 1/2 needs the same room as Merkava 3?, what a joke

Imagine listing the Merkavas in the same row as BS strong tanks like the CV90105 and AGS lmao.

This just shows the skill issue. They barely have any armor, they rely purely on the engine and transmission to give them survivability. Even that survivability is easy to get around.

The Merkavas are the perfect skill check at top tier, players who consistently struggle against them shouldn’t be playing at that BR yet.

What does this have to do with an event vehicle or not?
on the same br there are tanks, whose effectiveness is STRONGLY different from each other.
Yes, BR system doesn’t work, since it’s based on server statistics.

Lol. That’s a tank which doesn’t have nvd, laser rangefinder, armor, degrees, survivability…
Merkava is better in everything that this.

Unplayable shit.

It can pen engine space, but not cheecks. Besides, not everyone has apds in 9_2)))

These are the setups. 70% of the vehicles in them are irrelevant.

MASSIVE skill issue. This thing works well even in uptiers…

calling objectively junk vehicle junk - skill issue? i got you.

It’s amazing at 10.0 my guy, if you can’t get kills in it you’re using it wrong.

I mean you did call a pretty mid tank (Merkava Mk.1/2) good, so yes that does suggest some skill issues against them.

What? Sprut is on 9.3.

My mistake, somehow thought you were talking about the under tiered 2S25M, not the 2S25.