Why is Type 83 ammunition on early chinese MBT's named "Type 83 APDS"?

I reported this on the bug reports site but was told it was a “historical issue” and not a bug and promptly closed. APDS is not APFSDS? APDS in the name lacks fins to stabilize the actual projectile coming out of the barrel yet its labeled as such that it would not have fins even though its modeled ingame WITH fins to stabilize thus being APFSDS as a model.

type 83 APDS


What crack are the bug report managers smoking?

If it was given and offically named as APDS while being apfsds type, possible the devs just chose the name it was given when issued to chinese tankers. Doesn’t even matter anyway, as the shell type is still listed on the statcard.

Yet I’ve seen no documentation that proves this was the case. Why would China designate their ammunition as APDS when clearly at the time of production of said ammunition there would have been a clear distinction between APDS and APFSDS that wouldnt allow for such a minor error to occur? I mean I don’t think they were living in the shadows or under some rock.

Also it does kind of matter. Imagine seeing in the killfeed that someone near you died to APDS. Given APDS’s reputation when compared to the way more refined APFSDS, someone would naturally feel more inclined to take on such an opponent, and especially if they are not keen of knowledge to China’s various equipment.

It was given as APDS, I will try and find u a source. APDS or 脱壳穿甲弹,at that point might have been used interchangeably with APFSDS or 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹.

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