Why is this Suggestion post denied?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You are on blacklist or something

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You view nothing wrong with the post?

Please be patient.

The only way to view pending suggestions is by submitting a new one. It says 1 as the new suggestion is pending. This denotes that the previous either was accepted or denied. Since I can’t find the post in my activity I presume it was denied.

You need to buy 300 GE to post usggestion, its in the Suggestion Guides


That’s kinda funny

Your joking right XD

I do not believe this is a listed requirement. Please include evidence of this requirement.

Message one of the moderators for the reason of denial, most likely didn’t have a thorough or long enough suggestion.

There is no 300 ge rule, he’s just a troll.


Are all suggestions limited to dissertations? What else would I need to say about the suggestion that I didn’t state? I posted the screenshot of the post.

Bro trolled so hard he made us believe him

Lmao, yeah

Sure here it is

Listen chowhow, we get tons of suggestions everyday and most of them are total BS. So in order to take you seriously you need to buy 300GE or post a funny dog meme at the end of your suggestion.

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I mean, he literally posted screenshot where it says “Mods need to approve your suggestion. Please be patient.”



The suggestion it’s listing is the new one I submitted labeled “test” with the title “test”

It is not the suggestion which I took a screenshot of and is found in the title comment.

It’s advisable to read the Rules/Guidelines before starting to submit anything. If there are any questions or problems you should (as mentioned in the guidelines) contact a Moderator of the relevant area, in this case a Suggestion Mod.


Please enlighten everyone here by explaining what is wrong with the suggestion post as shown in the screen shot.

I find it extremely aggravating that this would need to be done behind closed doors. If it was open users might be able to use these examples to refine their own posts instead of wasting time playing telephone.

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Cause that’s how things are done.

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