Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Look, I don’t really care for your excuses.

I know whoever is in charge of handling the stormer has complete disdain for the vehicle and it is not going to be made usable anytime in the foreseeable future. Just throw a couple more nerfs on the burning dumpster fire that is the stormer to really stamp it into the ground and call it a day.

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Chill out. We are all unhappy with the state stormer is, but doing things like that will give us nothing.

We’re getting less than nothing regardless.

Being rude to Smin will not chage that.


Is it really rude if it’s also the truth?
The stormer is not going to be made usable anytime soon.
Actions speak louder than words, and although we get a lot of words saying they’re doing this or doing that the only action that is to be seen is the stormer being made even worse over time.

I’ll stop being so cynical when I see something of substance.

Having a read about the LMM.

Didn’t realise it has option to be IR Guided.

Maybe IR Guided LMM as a researchable upgrade to the Stormer HVM is an easy, interim option for the brits while we wait for the Stormer AD to sit at a lower BR (9.7/10.0 maybe)


Yes, truth can be said in both nice and rude way.

If what smin says is right and it is a code problem it will take a while, and here im saying what i said many times, WT needs a code rework, the game is over 10 years old and still runs on modified og code. It would be the time for a remake, but im no dev to decide that

I have to agree with that, actions do speak louder, as for the changes for worse, not all where.

Your choice


The thing with the IR is a little tricky, it was supposed to be developed, but i have no source that confirms it was made.

All things here were supposed to be made, Beam riding guided frag/shaped 2 stage motor is what we have for sure

The Stormer has been a non-stop stream of issues ever since it was added. With the current poor state of the British TT, with massive gaps and the absence of an IR SPAA, the Stormer being non-functional is felt even more so than perhaps it should.

Much like the mass of issues with the Challenger 2 that have taken 2 years to be addressed and we are awaiting a full dev-blog addressing it (and hopefully a mass of bug reports to be fixed). Perhaps it’s time for the Stormer to receive the same treatment and attention. If it was a brand new vehicle, fair enough. But it’s an old vehicle by now, which I don’t think has ever worked as intended.


Having a look now to see if I can find anything that confirms it, rather than proposed.

Either way, LMM with a proxy fuse would be a nice modification for the Stormer HVM over the Starstreak.

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Good luck, but sadly both in my previous lmm resarch and dump i did toaday, this infographic that is a part of https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/database/document/2019-02/PCS6675_LMM_Family_Datasheet_0119_001.pdfis the only offical source bout it
There is also wikipedia, but…

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Well,We know the contact fuze problem is likely related to the tick rate of server,Gaijin saves server resources for less expenditure or someting, and it is hard to fix.But, If my memory is correct there are reports about wrong missile amounts and irst range, these are easy rask right ? Are they fixed?

An. Bugger.

Brits are really in need of an IR SAM slinger and Gaijin don’t seem to be in a rush to add one.


Well, if we take that pdf we can theoreticly implement all those combinations

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This please. Would be hilariously fun

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I’d like to hope gaijin take that PDF as a source, but knowing their track record with wanting info for Brit vehicles, they’ll reject it.

It’ll be easier to implement quicker than a whole new vehicle too (Stormer AD)

Stormer AD has been in ‘consideration’ for some time.

Bit of me was hoping it came this patch with the leaked scimitar.

Maybe they’ll both come in the first big update of 2024.

They cant reject it, it is a manufacturer brochure from offical site
I also wonder where wikipedia got ir/iir guidence, i cant find any info about ir seekers, unless im missing something. SALH LOSBR dual mode(it can both ride the laser and fly ot it like hellfire) is the only i know for sure


This article states an IR guided LMM was tested.


Wait, nvm, I think the launcher had an IR tracker.

Ye, the launcher, that is why it bugs me out. Also i wonder if we would have ability to choose between SALH and SALH LOSBR. IT would be nice as it would allow to do LOSBR on planes and SALH on tanks.
Ok, 30min left and im going to filter out the dump, then im making a suggestion. If anyone find anything, i would be gratefull for posting it.