Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?


I had a dream the other night where gaijin got so fed up of people wanting the challenger 2 fixed they changed the default round from apfsds to hesh.

I need a war thunder break I think.


What do you guys think of the Stormer HVM prototype to replace the production model when it inevitably gets Martlet? Speaking of which should the Apache get them also?

Personally I would want the stormer air defence/25. 25mm gun, two stingers and some sort of optical system. If it didn’t have the Irst search then it would be an excellent 9.3 vehicle and would fit in quite nicely with its peers.

It would be quick too! We have the chassis, we have the missiles, don’t know if we have the gun but either way, most of the bits are already present.


HVM prototype would also be fairly quick

Also look at this thing


Add them all


Good news everyone, Cactus SAM post has been approved on the new forums. fingers crossed we get it passed to devs sooner rather than later


@Gunjob @Smin1080p

Surely they are just trolling us, and in the major update they will make the stormer a killing machine, right? They wouldn’t make the worst vehicle in the game even worse, right?



It’s starting to feel like an inside joke tbh. Especially when they decide to buff the Strela at 9.3 through the fkn roof in a shorter time period lmao.


Welcome to Britain :P

Well, you know that when stormer darts start passin in test drive there is no coming back

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Yep… Do I need to start another bug list ;P

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Well, i would not bother if i were you. When Cr2 is still salvageable, the stormer is, well… The game itself hate it. Just give it LMM and call it a day. Forever and ever.

Yep… Not sure why they havent done that yet. Though would also need ATAS for the Apache

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I dunno man, the chally exists in the game to provide targets for Russian players at this point. They’ve already made the CR3 prototype worse than the leopard 2a7 in every quantifiable way in just a week of the dev server, and it was looking reasonably strong.

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I don’t understand how they think they are equal


Well, the AH should have trialed the LMM. It is not said anywhere, but it should have trialed them with Wildcats iirc, so when these heli start from the same pad/carrier the weapons are compatible

Out of curiosity, has anyone else managed to reproduce the phasing on the test drive?

I’ve managed it a few times, but the video above is the clearest I’ve got, the rest could possibly be argued as ambiguous.

I want to make dammed sure before I raise a bug report.

That reminds me, I also need to raise a report of the irst arrow things near the compass not updating and so not pointing to the aircraft.

I too have lustful thoughts about the lmm on the stormer.

will try

They don’t. Every man and his dog can see they are not equal. They will just say ‘but stats’ and that will be the end of the conversation.