Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

How to fix Starstreak 101
1: make them not spin
2: make them guide like they’re being guided by the reflection of the beam
3: remove the tracer
4: have them not set off LWR or MAW.

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Why laser beam riding missile shouldn’t work like laser beam riding missile?

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Time to break this out again :

All you want to know about Starstreak, any it’s the way it is:

Because IRL you dont have latency issues of player to server, server to players, target to server and the system IIRC is ACLOS, IE, automatic command line of sight. A high ping in any of these and the missile will miss, even though you 100% see it hit, you only see it phase through because the target isnt actually where you think it is.

In game, we have latency, and have to manually adjust the missiles pathway. Hell IIRC arent mouse guided missiles more akin to IRL MCLOS anyway still? With MCLOS being a bit of a weird “not even actually MCLOS”?

MCLOS is MCLOS, while SACLOS in game is SACLOS when you talk about guiding without autotrack, but when it comes to guiding a missile with autotrack, it is, well, neither SACLOS nor SMCLOS nor ACLOS. A made up thing. Add finally ACLOS, that exists only on Pantsir and TOR, when you hand over missile guidence to the game.


Also Stormer related fixes, like

  • fix IRST so a tiny thin bit of cloud cant hide an afterburning target.
  • IFF for the IRST.
  • Fire whilst moving?
  • Lead marker

Not lead marker. IRL it is a automatic guidence, where FCS does all the aiming for you, but i guess lead marker would be something.


Yeah. In the absence of automatic guidance and marker similtar to that we get on radar SPAAG would be a reasonable compromise I think.

Didn’t know the Pantsir can do that lol Thats cool!

Both Pantsir and Tor can. Pantsir can guide 3 missiles automaticly, while you guide 4th manually, while Tor can guide one automaticly and one manually.

And dont forget about how really hot maps can make it so u cant lock an after burning jet or heli further out than 3km, which is too close to even guide it in which is just sad.

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is that 3 separate missiles for 3 separate targets plus 1 for manual? Because if so thats kinda fucked…

Yes. 3 targets guided automatically, and one you guide by hand. On the video i send above you can see 2 guided by the game, and me tracking the 3rd by hand (i just move the mouse around, but the lock is on it)

now I know why they made bomb interceptable this patch


Apparently there is no bug report in for:

  • missing IFF
  • low intensity laser
  • IRST issues

No wonder they can always shoot down my bombs while still forcing me to dodge theirs.

Well i know that the IFF was reported. They replied saying that having your commander specially IFF the target for the gunner didnt mean it should have it.


There is literal footage from inside a stormer showing it


Yeah, basically i think it the vehicle would tell the commander if it was a friendly or not, and then the commander decided weather or not to acept it. It was a two step process that made sure no freinlies were mistaken. I think gaijin took this as the commander being the iff itself and denying it, seemed stupid back then and still does now.

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So, a normal IFF