Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

But… apparently primary source papers from Thales isn’t good enough as a source lmao… so that’s never getting changed

No its that laser intensity isnt modeled in game. All lasers use the exact same “intensity” and so every single one triggers LWR regardless of how they should perform IRL. I hope its a system they overhaul at some point. But for now there are a 100 other things id rather see fixed on the Stormer first. Like Phasing, IFF, IRST not being able to see something or getting a missile that can actually deal with recon drones


this being a big one. The fact I can lock a Friendly drone is infuriating when i’n staring right at an enemy Su-25 lol


Yeah, drives me nuts

Also, AGMs. I’m not sure if it’s possible to shoot them down. You will see your death coming, and you won’t be able to do anything to prevent it. Somehow I managed to shoot down recon drones once or twice, but never an AGM. We could test and report it.

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One thing that’s massively under appreciated is its smokes, when your playing against fire and forget or laser guided stuff it really will save your life, and it gets a pretty decent amount(pretty rare for spaa)of them compared to the adats(m113) which only gets enough for one discharge

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Why are the stormer darts so easily visible for planes?
I’ve noticed for a long time people seeing my darts incoming and taking evasive actions which never made sense to me given that they should see nothing after the initial motor burns out.

Having just seen it from the planes perspective for the first time what in the name of christ is this?
You can very easily see the three red darts spinning their way towards you.

Where is this red coming from exactly?


I’m not sure why it’s done this way, but darts are modeled with a 76mm red tracer. This was already reported:


It is probably because without the tracers the missile would be invisible to the player if the vehicle is stock, making it unplayable. Obviously in real life the vehicle always comes with thermals so it wouldn’t be an issue, IIRC they did remove the tracers in a small patch that was datamined but it was quickly reverted.

Would be, if not a certain thing
lets play find a missile here
its there
You cant see it either way

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Issue with how the game unlocks work. The thermal optic should be default because its literally how the FCS tracks targets.


Yea they should. Well, it is what it is. But then why do they have a whole 76mm tracer, that cant even be seen by the operator (that they should not have, as they do not have it irl, as they are BR)?

Too bad there’s no automatic guidance applied

body unclear

Against a clear blue sky it might be very hard to see but once you are tracking something the contrast between the target and the 3 spinning red dots makes it pretty easy to see (at least for me)

Well, i do not see them
oh, now that i can zoom even closer on the picture i can see them

It is pretty hard to convey in a screenshot but the spinning of the 3 dots is what makes it visible to me, maybe it also depends on your display settings and screen resolution.

Has the dev stated whether if the tracer and the tracking issues will be fixed or are they “not a bug” due to game limitations?

Thats how i see it