Why is the P-51D such a nightmare to play?

One would wish it worked that way, but unfortunately it doesn’t. The values on the wiki/statcard are entirely arbitrary and don’t represent anything

This is not a sign of a healthy gameplay loop.

The current American meta is either fly in, head-on everything and hope you get a kill or climb, watch your team die because they are easily out-performed then get chased around and get called slurs/get mass-reported till you get banned for “Passive behavior”

A change is needed.


What change are you going to push? American players barely even climb let alone work together if they’re out-climbed. That’s why I dread playing with Americans when it’s a 6v6 or 8v8 against Japanese in SA server.

Whenever I play Americans or with Americans, I accept the fact that I might have to carry the match. Call that egotistical or whatever, but my experience with them are barely neutral, always slightly negative.

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If you think shallow climbs and dives are there only for creating separation, then you are wrong. You’re also gaining more energy than your opponents, because they lose more energy than you at high speed.
As for bleeding speed in turns, try doing a horizontal 180 while pulling hard, and another one from the same starting conditions but while pulling gently, and see the difference.
When you know your opponent is at a sufficiently lower energy state, there is a point where you can gently pull up, get to near stall speed, and come back over your opponent. They will try pulling up after you, but they will stall out, and you get a free attack. To see that effect clearly, try the A36 with no gunpods. Be at your top speed somewhere near the deck, and have a slow, aggressive plane follow you. Get enough separation (I think 2.5km minimum, don’t remember, maybe more, and depends on what you’re running from), and then gently pull up and convert all your speed into altitude. Your opponent will not reach your altitude.
“What if they climb right away, instead of following?”
Then they are forcing a stalemate. The pilot that gets frustrated first loses. Or the one with less tickets.


Well said, instructor gimps the FM. It’s what I do with the Horton 229 too. People say it bleed energy too fast in turns, I just keep telling them it happens when you break hard, and that the proper way is to turn gently with the mouse.

Of course, it’s going to be hard when you have one slotted hard in your six, because the Horton has the flight profile of an entire country when turning.


Try playing Sim. Where American props have time to climb without a big red marker announcing their presence. 😎

As long as you are in control of your aircraft you can not be reported for passive play, you are allowed to use the whole map. Survival is priority no1. Ignore them in chat if they want to wast a GM’s time thats there problem.

P51‘s advantage is the high speed, but gaijin makes the high speed performance like ****, even P47 or Zero at 600km is easier to aim target than p51s

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The P51’s flight model is absolutley broken and has been needing a fix for years.
The slanted rudder when flying in a straight line is one of many dead giveaways that there is a problem.
But somehow even if you sit people down and present all these issues, they’ll look at it and go “Lol, nah it’s fine” Like they are somehow immune to the obvious.


Isn’t that just trim performed by the instructor to keep your plane going in a straight line?

It has trim tabs, it even does that in hanger or on the runway in test flight before even adding power, p51d 20 na goes to the right in hanger

What makes me most angry about the P-51 is its habit of overheating the engine. Why can’t gaijin give it a correct radiator opening like in almost all other airplanes?

No. The rudder is always slanted. You can see this if you take the D20 into a test flight and just stay on the ground. The FM is broken and Gaijin has ignored it for years.


The funny thing is that instead of solving the problems of the P51D, what they do is lower the Br from 4.3 to 4.0.

Less effort. It’s not a precious moneymaking top-tier jet after all.

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According to the change log p51d20na was meant to drop to 4.0 but it has not, China and swedens j26 has but not the USA premium, same with Israel

Instead of watching yt or history channel you might consider reading well researched books about aerial warfare in the ETO.

Using google or wikipedia won’t get you smarter, try various war diaries like Caldwell etc (in order to get reliable data to educate yourself) before spreading this kind of nonsense.

My claim was:

Btw - US fighters were clapped above Europe in every fight on equal terms until the end of 1943, so you might lower your expectations…

1943 was a nightmare for the USAAF in the ETO. Bombers and fighters had horrible loss rates vs the Luftwaffe - the fighters mainly due to limited range and the fact that they had to develop suitable tactics first and could not rely on numerical superiority like in mid-late '44 & '45 vs untrained rookie pilots.

And ofc the Brits; the latter achieved nothing above France with their useless “Circus”, “Rhubarb”, “Ramrod” and “Rodeo” sorties. Iirc they still had a negative overall k/d vs JG 26 & JG 2 due to the low alt nature of these sorties - at least in 1943. Things changed later with the creation of the 2TAF, but i talked about 1943.


I would be more than happy if only they could solve the problem of engine overheating, they just have to make the automatic radiator work correctly, but it has been just as bad for more than 9 years, it is little less than a damn shame.


Yes, I know it exists, but in any case it does not explain why the radiator does not work correctly automatically, since it is simply that it opens depending on how hot the engine oil is.