Why is the Object 279 still 9.0

Dude, it’s not even 5% survivable right now.
IS-7 is 8.3, which has a better protected turret, similarly protected hull, still quite fast, same reload; the only major difference is no stabilizer.


Damn, yet another comment of yours I completely agree with.

It’s much worse protected than the 279.

Nowhere close to the 279 hull. When shot at from the side the 279 can bounce a lot.

And a stab is another huge advantage. It’s the reason the Cent Mk3 is 7.7 and not 6.7.

lol The turret armor of 279 is 50mm less, and the hull armor is easily penned by early APFSDS.
And no, the reason the Cent Mk3 is 7.7 and not 6.7 is not due to the stab.
You forgot its gun.

The energy I am getting from this comment:


It has a similar situation when fighting against enemies with LRF, it will never fire off the first shot should both decide to engage, its even more lacking in long-range because the dated aphe shell velocity will give the enemy plenty of time to evade. Most heavy tanks can maintain good kdr by following one heavy tank rule, never spawn it in an uptier lol

Most of the fights happen on city maps and the nuke shell is on par with early APFSDS. You also get an optical rangefinder like many other tanks around its BR.

Almost every tank is worse in an uptier but the 279 is good when uptiered and op when downtiered.

Except unlike GTA the K/D in WarThunder actually reflects player skill.

Yeah, around 2-3 major updates.

Based on my experience, the T-62M1 is more uptier proof, it has the shell velocity advantage and LRF, you are less likely to miss targets above 1km, due to the velocity of 3BM28, targets are less likely to be able to reverse back in cover before taking a hit, unlike the BR-482B, you will likely miss if you trade shot with target. CQC maps and full downtier performance Object 279 perform much better than the T-62, but uptier you need better vehicle reaction speed and T-62M1 with a much better FCS (even better than the T-64A) will be able to deal with fast moving targets more reliably.

I do have good KDR in it but I rarely get hit, I could say 75% of my total kills are stealth kills, I’ve learned that its way too risky to trade shot with anything it faces because the armor is unreliable, I don’t even underestimate Leopard 1 because whenever I get cocky it just OHKO me with HEATFS.

@Flogger_cbs 's post says that the more you state facts and criticize War Thunder, the more you’re paid by Gaijin.
Hilarious. Keep defending Gaijin, Flogger.

Yeah honestly insane how must it costs now. Doesn’t surprise me one bit why Gaijin refuses to nerf it.

You’re a troll because no matter the topic you alway argue against the OP and never actually make a valid point.


You still have the normal rangefinder and most maps aren’t big anyways.

Most maps are CQC and 9.0 gets 90% downtiers right now. It will only get better for the 279 when the next BR changes go live.

Speaking of the T-64A. It’s worse at everything than the 279 except velocity but is higher in BR.

Because on top of the insane armor it also has good mobility.

It’s human nature, none of the owners or sellers would want their vehicle to be nerfed (that’s including me lol), you will do the same if you also owned it. You should get it though but ONLY AFTER they code the bomb-resistant back, it has lost one of the features that maintain its high kdr.

Now the 292 just keep going up in br, years from now it should be as rare as the 279 and the price will go up once the quantity goes down.

It’s one thing to not want it change and another to lie to justify its BR. I can tell you the KV-1C is among the strongest tanks in the game and arguably even stronger than the 279 in the right hands despite owning it myself.

NGL every tank should be bomb resistant.

The 292 is a lot worse than the 279 and won’t ever reach the same price. I never understood the hype about it when in reality it’s just a worse T-80B at the same BR. It was always just a HE launcher with a LRF for me.

It’s fallen off sadly ever since they moved it to 10.3 and fucked with MBT damage models the HE can’t even oneshot them reliably.

Apparently agreeing with most takes is “arguing against”.
And apparently making valid points is not making valid points.

Ground event started so the object 279 crying starts.

Most non-penning rounds, in my experience, are panic shots. Last i played it, people were non-penning my sides because they kept shooting too low and hitting the tracks.

This is such a bs argument.
It is only used in two ways.

A: has bad stats wow you are so bad you cant do well in this clearly op tank

B:has good stats wow you claim it isnt op yet you are doing well in it


It’s just human nature bro, people mostly want to nerf things they don’t even play, because why should I care since I don’t even play it right? the only time it affects me is when I fight against it lol

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true I can confirm myself lol