Why is the Object 279 still 9.0

This tank has been ruining 8.0+ for years but Gaijin doesn’t care. Everything around it gets moved up but again in the current BR changes it’s not listed. It’s by far the best 9.0 and better than 9.3 but stays at a lower BR and despite both it’s stats and player performance being an argument for it getting uptiered someone at Gaijin is keeping this vehicle lower than it should be.

This isn’t an issue that should be discussed in the BR change thread as it has never been addressed despite being a problem for 4 ½ years now. It has only been moved up to 8.7 and later 9.0 thanks to community backlash. Don’t forget they tried to keep it 8.7 during the last “decompression” last year.


Cause it’s over-BR’d in the current live version of the game, and 9.0 after decompression is perfectly fine for it.
Zero equivalent vehicles to Object 279 are going to 9.3 with that BR update.


It would be properly placed at 9.7. The Chieftain Mk10, Olifant Mk2, Leopard 1A5, T-64A, T-72A, ZTZ96, Strv 105 are 9.3 and are worse.

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Uh… Leopard 1A5 was 9.3 for very long time now

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9.7, lmao


Typed it that way to include the Chif Mk10 that will get uptiered soon.

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I thought this was a serious post at first, now I see the joke, good one.


It is a serious post. The 279 is the most op and braindead tank in the game.

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Uh huh ;)

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Chieftain Mk10 has more armor, a significantly superior round, and a laser range finder.
It is and always has been superior to Object 279.
Chieftain can lol-pen 279, 279 cannot do that to the Mk10.


Not to mention the fact this new BR change will be a buff for the already good 9.3 meta, meaning 279 will face leopard 1A5, Chieftain Mk. 10, etc more often


The Chieftain Mk10 does not have better armor. It can use the turret thanks to better gun depression but the armor is worse. It only has more penetration and gun depression and worse everything else.

It won’t meet them more often. It will only make it stronger in a downtier if all the vehicles that could at least have a chance at killing the 279 get moved up.

Effective armor of 279 is <290mm.
The turret armor of Mk10 is an average of 450mm.
The hull is an average of ~200mm.

You also forgot the laser range finder.
I’ve used the Mk10 extensively as well as did correct cross-analysis, you’re not going to get me on this.
I already use the Mk10 in my 9.3 lineup because of it being one of if not the best 9.0 in the game.


Didn’t like the change of MK10 at all, it’s a strong hull-down vehicle I admit due to the turret armor, but 9.0 is already a pretty dead br due to having nothing in there, removed it then it will become a dead br lol unless they found a reason to move something up but the Mk3/5 are pretty mediocre at its current br, they are so slow that getting into positions will always be an issue and getting cqc maps means they get one-tab easily like Leopard 1 through the hull

Sorry, but this thread is a joke. Maybe every 20 Rounds I see one. So what is the point? You die instant in this Heat-FS meta. Nearly everything can penetrate and destroy you. For example: 9M117 rocket? dead. HOT rocket? dead. MGM-51C? dead. And these are not the tandem rockets. DM12? dead, and so on. So, if you want to learn the game, do it. Otherwise, die over and over against these simple outplayable vehicles.

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So because it’s not 100% invincible it’s balanced? ATGM/unstabilized vehicles will never get the first shot of and the 279 can even bounce DM23 at spots it should pen in protection analysis.

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It’s fine where it’s at, it’s not this unstoppable monster some people make it out to be. I have no trouble dealing with it using my 8.7 Israeli lineup.


8.7 capped with lowest downtier at 8.3.