Why is the F-111F Aardvark BR 11.7

So the F-111A Aardvark is BR 10.7 and the F-111F is BR 11.7 shouldn’t it be BR 11.0? And it should’ve been the F-111B variant not the (F) variant.

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4-6 Aim-9ls vs 4-6 Aim-9Bs.

Plus the F-111F has far better CMs and better engines.

The Sea Harrier FRS1 which is sub-sonic, has less CMs and only has 4x Aim-9ls is currentl 11.3 and should be 11.0.

Tornado IDS has less flares, only 2x Aim-9Ls and is 11.7.

F-111F is pretty perfectly placed at 11.7

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True, good point

I understand where your thought process is coming from, but that’s not how it works.
The naming procedure (such as F-111 A/B/C/D/E/F) doesn’t represent the vehicles capabilities or BR order
Yes the F-111F is a later variant and all, but it should not be 11.0. There may be other earlier Vark variants in the future that can fill that gap, but for now the F-111F is what they wanted to add.

In comparison to the F-111A ingame, it has significantly superior engines with much better acceleration, ability to maintain energy, climb rate, and top speed. Can reach fricken Mach 1.3 on the deck, and rip in a straight line if you’re not careful.

It also has Aim-9Ls, with compared to the Aim-9B, have far superior range, better flare resistance (in rear aspect), a gimble limit, radar slaving capability, and all aspect capability, along with 20Gs more pull. That’s a major improvement to its armament if you ask me.

On top of that, it gets a FLIR (Foward Looking Infared) Targeting pod for Close Air Support, as well as AGM-65D/Gs and GBU-15s (which I consider to be the best 2000lb bombs in the game).
It also receive an extra 120 standard size countermeasures to go with its 60 Large caliber ones (make sure to use the large one as all flares, and divide the standard size between chaff).
It can also reach Mach 1.3 on the deck :)))

So yeah, it’s more than balanced where it’s at, and its extremely potent it both Ground RB and Air RB. Wonder just how nuts it will be in Air Arcade lol, can’t wait to see vowel man’s video on it lol.
(Also if you’re interested, here’s what the F-111B is, it’s basically the early tomcat, as it could carry 6 Aim-54As (2 in the Bombay), and Aim-9Gs along with the Vulcan if desired. No proof of sparrow capability atm tho :(((
General Dynamics F-111B - The US Navy's Seavark )

Yeah I actually researched about the Aardvark F-111B and actually it never entered service. So my perspective with the F-111B i think that would make a good premium in the future.

Ehhhhh idk about that. It’d be better as an event vehicle or possibly a squadron one. We now have the F-4S, F-20A, and AV-8 (NA) all at around the same BR that would be at. Premiums around that BR for the US is over-saturated as is, and I personally don’t see myself buying the Budget and bulky F-14A when I have the F-14A IRIAF, F-20, F-4S, and plenty more vehicles to use instead. Also have a feeling it wouldn’t sell very well given its lackluster performance, lack or all aspect IR missiles, lack or SARH missiles, 60 countermeasures, and old school RWR. Why buy that when you could buy an F-20A with everything you could ever want (except ARH and IRCCM)

And yeah never entered service, but there were actually a couple prototypes of it with variations between the few. I think there were 11-13 total built, and 1-2 surviving airframes being tuned into museum pieces currently. Was just too big and heavy for the Navy, so they made the Tomcat instead (a great decision lol).

When you gently nudge your mouse playing an F-111

I lost 53 kts by adjusting my climb pitch angle up 5 degrees. There’s no way that a slightly actuated stabilator is like 500x more effective than the airbrake. The FM is seriously broken.

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