Why is the Eurofighter so nerfed?

15E has less gun ammunition. 512


I’m so very confused now;


The right hand Electronics box clearly states “IR Tail Warning set”, but the ALQ-127 / -153 is a PD radar based system. I have literally no idea. Also it’s not mentioned in the later F-15C SAC’s either.

And the F-14, -15 , -16 are mentioned in the -153’s entry. (we do know that the -153 is a solid state version of the -127 so the discrepancy makes sense).


That is an interesting claim… And not what I have seen.

The WarZone reported on this.

When it comes to the Block III Super Hornets, the IRST systems will also be tied into the new networking functionality that these aircraft will also be receiving. So, while a single jet with the IRST sensor would only be able to get a bearing and azimuth to the target, Boeing has said that fused information between two aircraft will be able to provide both range and altitude, enough data to actually engage the threat reliably.

Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet Takes Flight With New Infrared Search And Track Pod

Hopefully you can take a look @warthogboy09

Won’t be a declassified source on the pod for decades probably. Even after all the F-15Cs are in the boneyard, the pod will still be on the EX, and it’s functionality will probably be relevant for any IRST systems the US is looking into currently.

The notch remains reliable despite angle gating, it simply requires variation in altitude to get around it. This argument also entirely relies on the idea that the launch aircraft will be capable of keeping the radar on target throughout the entire guidance until impact, which is unrealistic since there are other threats to consider along with the fact that if you are solely focusing down a Rafale, you are largely removing yourself from the early game impact you could have with the AMRAAM, which invalidates its main advantage over the MICA.

Because off-bore capability/overall useability isn’t the only aspect to consider and in all other aspects, the R-77 is dead last or near last. Its also almost exclusively launched by aircrafts which are significantly lacking in some factor (Su-27’s terrible radar, MiG-29SMTs subpar maneuverability, Su-34’s lack of HMD).

The lack of maneuverability is what relegates it to medium to long range shots only if you dont want to at best trade. You’re also only considering head-on ideal condition shots, which do have the highest pK%, but also have the highest risk for the launch aircraft.

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Boeing only claims the latter.

Boeing has said that fused information between two aircraft will be able to provide both range and altitude, enough data to actually engage the threat reliably.

They said nothing about it otherwise; the earlier statement it that of TWZ and passive Trigonometric ranging been a know capability since the Link 4C / F-14A / ALR-23 / IRSTS days.
I’ll try and recall a source for this, I know it was mentioned in a podcast (10% True)


Ty for letting me know, my mistake :)

Reading the Warzone article it more suggests to me that the pod/aircraft combination is networked to improve tracks, not that it is necessary to provide a weapons grade track.

This makes sense to me as if you have aircraft that are going to be flying together, and the available bandwidth and processing power(which is another huge part of these upgrades), might as well fuse their tracks to improve the final output.

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it seems to be only slightly heavier if it is heavier than an F-15E. it havs F110’s though so in AB would balance out the extra weight.

not having SDB II’s significantly relegates the F-15E’s strike capability

dont think that exists

Some track is possible with a singular IRST without laser rangefinder. In fact, I’d say every IRST even with laser rangefinder has some kind of passive ranging regardless because how else would you tell a laser where to possibly look? IRST by itself can provide a track, the Rafale does this as well, but requires the laser range-finder to improve it to weapons-grade track (3D).

A weapons grade track would be knowing the 3D position of the target and that would require either two separate aircrafts with IRST networked with each other or a laser range-finder but lasers have a limited range as opposed to two separate networked aircrafts that could then provide an actual weapons grade track with a 3D position of the hostile target.

Not really, still has 6x Mav D’s alongside the rest of the ordinance it can bring. Yes SDB II’s would make it vastly superior in strike capability, but the F-15E is already very strong in terms of strike performance. It remains the 3rd best strike aircraft in-game behind the Su-34 and Rafale.

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should be #1 since its the only one with “strike” in the name

you can tell the laser the exact direction, but not the range to a weapons grade lock quality, because the IRST is only absorbing outside information. with programs and stuff you can do ranging but afaik the LRF is more precise and reliable within its range

Id rather ground battles not be ruined any more than they already are, I know we’ve had this argument before, and it has nothing to do in this thread.

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EFT could use SAL Brimstone 2 though, personally wouldnt be opposed as long as it came with something like Laser SDB I and EGBU/LJDAM

That argument would only hold true if the F-15Es ONLY A2G weapon was the GBU-39s. As it has both the AGM-130s and AGM-65s. The situation is differnet

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