and yet we dont have any buffs for the supercruise and they wont accept those sources, requiring new sources to be found from “somewhere”
Direct from the updated dev response
As for M1.5, we need more sources to confirm this information.
I would like to apologize for the wording and confusion caused. I meant that it looks like the speed mentioned in the document is unlikely to be physically achieved under normal circumstances in real combat
Despite the context for the data provided being with a combat load and it cannot be achieved in game even with a clean airframe with min fuel. So even if this statement is true, it is underperforming by about 0.1 mach iirc
Tested it
Test parametres. totally clean airframe with min but infinite fuel
30k ft maxes out at about 1.39
40k ft maxes out at about 1.42
Obviously they somehow find it hard to believe, even thinking it is possibly imaginary. A report was put in for the Rafale to get supercruise with combat load at Mach 1.4 though, maybe that’ll convince Gaijin’s mind. The flight model devs believed that the Rafale’s airbrake FCS function mid-flight was “impossible” until a picture was shown of this airbrake mid-flight as well as being told that the F-35 and F-22 accomplished this as well. Then they could “understand” that this was possible and implemented it.
Never said it wasnt, but to say the Typhoon has the correct loadout is a bit dishonest. Though Brimstone 2s are a must. Its rather unfair we have one of the only aircraft with no FnF weapons at all at top tier other than GPS guided bombs (and even then less than most can carry and no glide bombs) but they are also some of the shortest ranged AGMs as well. Brimstone 2s (limited to SAL) would be FAR more fair than the Brimstone 1s are.
Scan Rate buff by 5 deg/s is based upon data for the Blue Vixen. So its a buff for the Blue Vixen that will be applied to CAPTOR-M and the Gripens radar (which is also Blue Vixen C&P). Exact figures for the CAPTOR-M are unknown at this time. (I still personally believe CAPTOR-M would have at least a little faster scan rate given the performance of the pedestal motors)
You also have the ghosting issue which isnt exlcusive to the Typhoon, but i dont think i’ve heard many complaints for other nations just yet for that, but you’ll have to tell me if the Rafale is affected by phantom targets
You also have the repeated scan bar bug that would be a big boost, though again not exclusive to Tpyohon.
There are multiple additional scan patterns that have been reported internally by Gunjob (i cant find the post in the Typhoon thread where he stated which he reported)
Also kinda related, there is a load of MFD functionality missing in the cockpit
Also everything to do with PIRATE performance (some unqiue, some not)
Mechanical scan is always going to have disadvantages compared to E-Scan, so we will need every single little scrap of performance we can get out of the CAPTOR-M if we hope to remain competitive and, given how much is actually classified. I wouldnt be against them giving reasonable adjustments to maintain balance (like even in the absence of CAPTOR-M data and only Blue Vixen data, giving the CAPTOR-M a slightly faster scan rate, like 80 deg/s)
an AESA F-15C would do just fine for the a2a role, maybe an F-15SA if more AMRAAMs (and a MAWS) are wanted, the EX is more in line with Gripen E and later EFT, F4 rafale. no need to get into 2020’s version this soon lol
The ghosting issue is interesting, many times I’ve actually followed the ghosts with the TV sensor on the Rafale, they end up being missiles that went haywire into the sky or ground every single time.
So really when it comes to the captor-M, what is actually missing is 5 deg/s scan rate, priority scan, unlimited roll stabilization, and some other patterns although some people already have been complaining about the recently reduced scan patterns even though it actually resulted in a buff to the beamwidth.
Its because it reduced the amount of space you can scan, given the relatively low performance already, it was a bit of a blow for the Typhoon’s ability to find targets. A lot of manual slewing of the radar to find targets these days
Im reasonably confident it is not missiles as they are often perfectly stationary
Remove the weapons for now in these discussions. When it comes to an AESA F-15C and AESA Rafale, the AESA F-15C would lack the MAWS, IRST/TV, spherical RWR, and also would be completely trounced in the instantaneous and sustained turn rate. This does not include if they ever implement the Rafale’s reduced radar and IR signature. So I wouldn’t say the AESA F-15C would do just fine, even the F-15EX would still struggle somewhat although the EPAWSS, much more powerful AESA radar, and 4 additional amraams up to 12 would be quite nice. I’m not sure how it would handle flight performance wise.
its surprising how much more performance they were able to get through the new FBW. iirc the roll rate is much better, and so is general aircraft handling.
the F-15C could get Legion IRST pod which would be very good, however now that you mention all that stuff the F-15SR or F-15SA is the way to go. they have AN/APG-63v3, AN/AAR-57 MAWS, AN/ALQ-239 DEWS which is modern RWR, and an IRST pod (older than Legion but still solid) difference between SA and SR is the SA is an advanced eagle (FBW, 12 AMRAAM), and the SR is an upgrade for the F-15S (Saudi F-15E)
for sim purposes FBW will be nicer, but since F-15 already has a very good stability augmentation system it wont be night and day
Why doesn’t the F-15C have any of its AESAs? Why doesn’t the F-15E have any of its AESAs? Why doesn’t the F-16C have an AESA? Why doesn’t the Gripen have an AESA?
Maybe because it doesn’t need to have it’s most modern radar available as long as the radar it does have is modelled at least close to correct, which is the actual problem, and the same problems exist for most radars in-game.
While I don’t play sim, most people find targets in air RB using the RWR. Even in the AESA Rafale, I end up mostly looking for targets with the RWR and knowing where to look because I was pinged from a particular direction.
But what does the TWR look like? Was it decreased? If so, it’ll be heavier overall and possibly even more of a bus with the F-15E*.
Yes, but once you look in that direction, you often have a marker telling you where that target is. So then you can just use things like HMD mode to lock onto that target super fast. ( also find that even the dots which are enemy aircraft are easier to see in ARB)
In sim, you dont have that luxuary. RWR might tell you the direction, but not the height (although the Typhoons RWR should give you the elvation too) so you have to scan quite a bit of space to find the target, especially as the Typhoon is best employed at altitude and you are often facing other aircraft that do well at altitude as well. So you have a lot of area to scan
Especially when it comes to CAS, its underperforming by quite a bit.
and also, what else could they have added?
Typhoon was a reasonable counter to the F-15C added in June and without the later block with the CAS power, it would have been woefully underpowered compared to the rafale and F-15E. Also Germany was desperate for anything with better CAS. A2A would have been identical whether it was an earlier tranche or later one.
I just don’t think CAS should be the primary consideration for a superiority fighter. An ASSTA.3 or SLE would have been sufficient for CAS, I’d even prefer an F-15GA over butchering the Typhoon. As for being “woefully underpowered” that’s only if you’re taking CAS to be the most important role of the aircraft- which just isn’t the case.
The Typhoon wasn’t a reasonable counter just yet, though I would say it is a reasonable counter to the F-15E, there should have been some aircrafts that came before it.
F-18C should have been added to Germany in the way of the Swiss. Italy, Sweden, UK, and France were doing just fine with Gripen and M2K.
Given everyone else fielding multirole aircraft for GRB (aircraft that can happily defend themselves from an enemy aircraft whilst simutaneously putting down decent CAS) like the F-16. It is really unfair to expect a nation to compete with something like a Tornado IDS. Also the ASSTA3 was already added, it just adds GPS guided bombs to the Tornado ASSTA1, which is a minimal buff compared to aircraft like the Su-25SM3/Su-34 firing KH-38s, Rafale firing AASM or F-16/F-15 firing AGM-65.
Tornado really doesnt cut it anymore. Even the Tornado Gr4 with all its upgades, struggles.
Its most important role is multirole. That is why nations like Britain wanted it over the aircraft the US was offering the UK. In the UK service at the very least, it replaced the Jaguar, Tornado and even the Harrier for CAS and in all its actual deployments where its seen combat, that is what its been deployed to do.
Given the ahistorical Brimstone variant, missing loadout options and lack of ground radar. It is underperofrming quite bit. Even PW4s are underperforming in a few ways.
Typhoon IS the best CAS for Britain, Italy and Germany. And whilst Britain and Italy have some alternatives that works well in CAS like the Harrier and Gripen. Neither are brilliant when doing both CAP and CAS like the Typhoon can. For Germany… It is their only competitve top tier CAS