Since that last sound patch, the sound is back to sounding like some concussionless unrealistic bad sounding COD fortnite queffage. Now 50 cals on planes sound nearly the same as a .303, I can hear engines loudly drowning out everything else from kilometers away through multiple valleys and yet someone fires a 152mm at me from 200m away and I struggle to be able to figure out what distance and direction it came from. The directions and distance of sounds used to be able to be determined by the pitch of the wave. I’ve tried re-adjusting sliders since the recent sound patch but it seems to only do nothing but blend them together more or less, just sounding like some poorly mixed over blended electronic slop instead of actually adjusting each slider options decibels. I play on a 2000w surround sound and yet again it sounds terrible. It may as well be through some $6 headphones. Please put it back.
Sound guy has to feed his family.
I do wish they had some feature that would save the previous sound settings and let you switch between new/old sounds
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Oh how I wish I could go back to the sound of the Soviet 122 sounding like two vodka bottles slamming into each other when firing.