Why is Gaijin scared of doing longer range, longer duration Ground maps

This was just a cursory thing I noticed in WT; and this could be a boomer skill issue…

Im sick and tired of “brawl like” ground maps, where I queued with friends for 5 minutes to get single point single spawn spaceport and get spawn camped by a single hill filled with leos. I have the same issue with maps like air spawn city where its not what I want to quite play.

Are they allergic to having say 20-30km total range maps with new and different gamemodes, I know alot of youtube influencers have suggested different modes for air and other gamemodes, I don’t see why not.

I do like the new ground map in holland, but they chronically all have the same issue. A. close range brawling happen 90 percent of the time. B. you can most of the time see into the enemy spawn from across the map or halfway across the map.

We need to figure out different barriers or different modes for play. I would like to spend 20-30 minutes in a map and get good rewards if it gives good fair play PVP.

Am I the only one out here? is this the norm to make it better for console/controller players or something?


Smaller maps = quicker matches = more games per hours = better looking stats/better looking game health

Yes, I think everyone would like larger and longer matches


This makes no sense at all, matches per hour isnt a metric for game health that is ever used. The only metric people ever use to measure game health is player count, which isnt going to change based on how many games are played per hour. The reason Gaijin is dead focused on shorter matches and fast queue times is that the average player playing games will come on for 30 minutes to an hour per night, and thus long matches and longer queue times will scare this part of the playerbase off or simply make it impossible for them to play. Its really just that.

The vocal minority as per usual, not everyone.


Nothing related to gameplay, it’s pure laziness.

If Gaijin, specially the team behind War Thunder put some effort we had long ranges map ages ago, but we are talking about War Thunder:

  • 1 Vehicle per nation per Major Update;
  • 1 Map each 3 or 2 Major Updates for one or two modes;
  • Can’t add nothing to the game without breaking something in addition;

We could have more improved gameplay specially in Simulator Mode that could receive more long range maps, better mechanics instead only of not showing teammates tags and position, enabled friendly fire and limited camera.

And when they add something they just mess it up later, like Sands of Sinai: first we had the oil rig available, then they limited the map to the town next to the rocks, then removed sniping spots, then added more barriers and now the map is just flat terrain driving simulator.

And Mozdok as other example, the straight road variation was removed from the AB and RB map rotation, because the whole map is a sniping spot.


I remember, even 3-4 years ago we got at least 2-3 per Tank/Airplane per nation, and minimum 1 for minor nations.


As someone who played both kbm and controller it’s actually the exact opposite, controller is a joke in CQC. But camping a spot and watching with ur binos where u have time to prepare for the shot it’s much easier. At least that’s how it feels for me on default sensitivities and bindings because trying to find an optimal controller setup is basically self torture

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People who play high would disagree with this especially western tanks players


Assuming you mean High teir vehicles in top teir matches, this shows you have no self awareness, because the people playing High teir vehicles are a minority. The majority of the playerbase is nowhere near top teir.

Instead of going off what you remember, why dont you go and have a look at the amounts of vehicles added in different updates, here are the links to a few i randomly picked from the wiki for comparison.


I dont think your memory is very good.

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Well yes i know
But because Gaijin assuming people like small map because filter using reference of overall player base but low to medium tier compare to high tier it play completely
I’m really not surprised that majority of people are around low to mid tier
But apply the same logic to high tier which play completely different that makes high tier gameplay look more stupid than low to mid tier on the same map

I’d love to hear you explain how you know this is how Gaijin is deciding what map changes to make at different BR’s. Do you really think they are not aware the gameplay of BR 1.0 is different to 6.0 and that is then different to 11.0? It doesn’t really make any sense anyway because they make changes to maps exclusive to different BR’s as well. Maybe, just maybe there is a reason Red desert and Pradesh are permabanned and you rarely ever see them, given they are 9.7+ and 7.7+ respectively.

Looks stupid to you, because you have an idea in your head about how the gameplay should be, and you want to force that style of gameplay on everyone else, despite the fact that the majority of people do not want it, as evidenced by the massive maps already in the game being permabanned.


Judging from their incompetent I doubt that they know the difference

Wait isn’t you said majority of players are not even in high tier? Then how do you now what high tier players really wanted?

Content creators and a part of the playerbase, I’m not even joking, they LOVE small and fast maps because they can pump out more matches to put on their fast paced slop videos


As Gaijin readily admit, they are stats-driven, so clearly there is more money in moving to more arcady-style gameplay.

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Isn’t there are gamemode for that already?
It not make sense that put arcade style gameplay into realistic mode

Red Desert, Pradesh, Sands of Sinai, etc.
Long duration is ultimately down to players; it’s not Gaijin’s fault players prefer less rewards and 1 spawn to longer matches with more rewards.

lol lmao even.
Completely unrealistic size for ground vehicles.

That’s complete disinformation.
Quicker matches = less rewards = worse game health.

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They reduced Sands of Sinai though, you’re right on the other maps

Sands of Sinai is the same size, they just moved the map border west to get rid of the brawling area.

fair enough, didn’t consider this

Absolute crime what they did to that map.