Why is Frecca still 10.7?

10 spikes and it sits at the same BR as similar platforms with only 4 spikes? slightly less pen (not like it matters) on the main gun but much faster rate of fire.


Its more so that other ifvs should go down in br. The pumas, kf41 and Namer are abysmal, they should either be lowered in br or given other objectives like deploying infantry, destroying AI light vehicles and AT positions that tanks dont have the rof to farm, etc…



Sadly Gaijin has absolutely no map and game mode design skills, their maps have no coherent layouts and they kept the same basic incredibly uninspiring game modes for 10+ years now

why not until the spike can get actually good contestant damage it will Stay the same

Technically the KF41/VJTF have APS and top-attack spikes, but of course that’s only a justification for working APS and top-attack missiles.

As for the main gun, 121mm pen versus 92mm pen is a big difference in terms of autocannons.

its a soft kill APS, nearly every missle at that tier comes with IRCCM. they do not get affected at all by it

Hence me saying “that’s only a justification for working APS and top-attack missiles”

Though I’d argue 560RPM vs 200RPM is a larger one, especially against aircraft
Plus the Freccia is unique in its SPIKEs not having a substantial minimum range due to launcher angles

The difference only amounts to a little less than a fifth of a second where you’d be vulnerable with the 30mm (if a single shot was the difference between being destroyed).

It’s nearly triple the fire rate, and when does a single 25 or 30mm shot knock out a tank? plus there’s only a (less than) 30mm difference between 92mm and 121mm

When I run sabot in the 30mm (89mm pen) I don’t notice any difference from apfsds at all. Basically with either gun you will either pen or you won’t.

I was going off of a scenario where every shot counted, with the 30mm only losing about a fifth of a second per shot. In more specific terms, if a guy was trying to aim at you and you’re shooting his side, every shot of the 30mm that doesn’t destroy the enemy or assist in destroying the enemy only wasted a fifth of a second in comparison to the 25mm.

i bet you did this because you got spammed with spike from long range :)

Orrrrr Its because its not balanced compared to other 10.7 tanks that only carry 4 spikes considering these vehicles would be 9.3-9.7 without spikes.

The 9040 Bill is a better platform aside from the AGTM and sits at 10.0, that’s how much of a br increase the spikes influence.

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i got spammed by like 5 spike by frecca lol that’s why i said it and you are right to some extent if the give spike consistent damage it would go up but now it can go hit your track and gun instead of Senter of tank

All these IFVs are meh at their current BRs. They have no buisiness fighting modern MBTs. They’re slower, have no armor, often huge silhouettes (they’re troop carriers ffs) and much weaker firepower.

I really don’t know how Gajin determins BRs. It might work for a tiny flat thing like the BMP-2M, which easily melts down behind terrain features, has a full auto dartcannon and 4 fire one the move Kornets…but something like a Puma or Narmer or any IFV is bollux. Huge vulnerable things with anemic weapons.

I’ve also made the expierience that some of them are just far too highly build. Like more than double the height as an MBT. Maps are not made for them. Covered positions are notoriously too small on almost all maps. You always stick out and appear on every thermal viewer. Impossible to play like an ambusher.