WHY the F4S at 12.0 same br is better in all aspects while below you is the mig-23 MLA and MLD which are also better F4J should go down to 11.7 its radar isnt even that strong such a mid plane
- 11.7
- 12.0
WHY the F4S at 12.0 same br is better in all aspects while below you is the mig-23 MLA and MLD which are also better F4J should go down to 11.7 its radar isnt even that strong such a mid plane
The f4j is fine at 12.0, the only advantage the f4s has in air rb is the leading edge slats and those just help get you killed generally because regardless if its an f4j or an f4s a dogfight for a phantom is usually death. PD radar, hmd and aim7f is still a very potent combination.
Bruh, it would be OP at 11.7.
have the time my radar refuses to lock
Yeah… its hard to justify the weakest of the 12.0 F-4s to be 12.0 when aircraft like the Mig-23ML/MLA/MLD are at 11.7. (or even 11.3 in SB, where the F-4s BR is even more questionable for remaining at 12.0)
I just can’t get why you want to send F-4J to 11.7
While there are a lot worse jets in 11.7-12.0
I don’t think 2x AIM-9L on attacker fuselage acts better than 6x AIM-7F with PD radar.
If you guys end up sending F-4J to 11.7
it will become another [shameless BR buffing on Sabre/MiG-15 family caused by US/USSR Bias] case.
The f4s/j are right now missing their extra flare pods, i say they would be fine if gaijin gave them to it
The F-4J is technically worse than the F-4S at the same BR.
It lacks a Helmet Mounted Display and slatted wings for dogfighting.
Whilst I’m not advocating for the F-4J to 100% go down to 11.7 and potentially club the 10.7 jets it will face there.
I just thought I would point these differences between these two Phantoms out.
if we added these id be chill 60cm is not a lot
I stand corrected, I should have clarified specifically the British F-4J Phantom which unfortunately doesn’t seem to get it unlike the American F-4J since the HMD used was only an experimental thing only tested on U.S. F-4J/F-4S Phantoms:
All 12.0 Phantoms (that aren’t British) are just plain better than the ML/D.
It belongs to 12.0. So does the undertiered mig23 mld.
Ask for decompression instead, not lowering BRs of specific stuff unless they are very bad. Not the case of the F-4J
Eh it has 2 SARHs compared to the average F-4S/J carrying 5. It doesn’t have the killing power they have. BR decompression (again) would be a solution.
I don’t think only F-4J/S has a problem about CM and needs extra care.
Also has 60CM in total
while Kfir C.2/C.7 has even lesser 36CM.
60CM can be disappointed especially when you need to fight against some neat missiles like AIM-9M/R-73 or R-27ER.
but it isn’t only F-4J/S (USN)'s problem, and buffing them down to 11.7 or giving Extra CM exclusively to them is shameless.
Yeah, This is some annoying and confusing point when discussing between F-4J(USN) and F-4J(UK)
Even Gaijin themselves have confusion about that and gave them the same BR on ASB too! Xd
I just wonder
if OP’s claim is flawlessly right and F-4J(USN) need to be 11.7
then should F-4J(UK) goes down to 11.3 and tied with F-4E?
(Because Skyflash is literally AIM-7E-2 but has slightly wider fuse radius)
It has fewer but better missiles, on a more potent platform. Only the radar is a downgrade but still works well with R-24R since it has IOG (and datalink?)
On paper, yes, but cant dismiss the:
Whether they are 1 for 1 equal is certainly open for debate, but I dont think the Mig-23ML/MLA/MLD wouldn’t specifically suffer from being a higher BR either. Especially also given their lower BR in SB, the argument for many of the F-4s still being 12.0 gets even worse.
Main handicap I acknowledge for the Mig-23s is the radar auto-swapping (need a setting to disable that) and limited available control imputs needed for manual wing control
In the current ARB situation, flight performance isn’t that meta, and losing 3 SARHs for a better FM isn’t the best trade imo.
I will not deny that R-24R’s are amazing, but you only get 2.
Shit front aspects tbf.
Yeah its fast asf but you can’t run from every problem.
I agree, I’m not saying the mld is superior to the F-4J.
Im saying it should be at the same BR, so about equals with different capabilities/playstyles