Why I started to dislike war thunder

This is my personal opinion and review of this game. You may consider this a rant, but I do not care. I have been playing this game since 2015 and used to enjoy it, but over the last few years, I have started to dislike it. In this post, I will detail the issues I’ve encountered.

  1. With every new major update, my gaming experience gets ruined. Please check the screenshot below to understand my concern.
    War Thunder frequently rearranges and changes the positions of researched vehicles, rendering ongoing research on a vehicle useless. This issue is a big thumbs down for me.

  2. Grouping of vehicles. War Thunder groups the vehicles. This means my time and research for the next vehicle have been wasted. If they were already grouped, I would have researched the next vehicle instead of researching the same variant. For example, look at the T-54 and Challenger tanks.

    I was not interested in this tank. And this tank was not grouped before. After major update, WT grouped it and my research is useless and time got wasted.

  3. Locked. I don’t understand this. I can’t use the vehicle, but I can still research it. Why is it even available for research if it’s not usable?

  4. Same vehicles. Honestly, in War Thunder, one of the most frustrating issues is having to research the same vehicles across different nations. I’m really fed up with researching and playing the same M48s, M24s, M26s, Centurions, T-72s, and many more. If I’ve already researched a particular vehicle, I shouldn’t have to spend another 220,000+ research points for essentially the same vehicle in a different tech tree. Just because it’s from a different nation, has one shell upgrade, has a different colour, or has minor aesthetic changes. I’m very sure Gaijin will add many more nations in the future, including Commonwealth countries. These nations will likely have the same vehicles I might have already researched. It’s frustrating to even think about having to research so many common vehicles again. One example is below. There’s hardly any changes or differences.
    I wish War Thunder would keep the research points significantly lower for identical vehicles. If the same vehicle has major upgrades, like a new gun or shell, those changes could be treated as module upgrades instead of requiring research for the entire vehicle again.

  5. PVE. I enjoy PvE gameplay, but since Gaijin introduced it in War Thunder, there has been no significant upgrade or innovation. Whenever a new major update is announced, I anticipate major changes or new features for PvE, but nothing ever changes. The current PvE gameplay feels very basic, boring, and even childish. It seems like Gaijin doesn’t really care about PvE. I really wish they would focus more on PvE and make it more fun and rewarding.

No doubt, War Thunder is one of the best games with amazing graphics, details, and it’s free too. However, there are issues that detract from the experience. Instead of making the gameplay more fun and exciting, these problems are diminishing my overall enjoyment and interest in the game.

Have a nice day.


1- That is a fair concern that Gaijin has taken into account.
Gaijin allows for 2 or more weeks of research time after a new major update adds a vehicle before another.
This is usually enough time for anyone playing more than 5 hours per week.
However, of course sometimes people may take on more time-consuming things that isn’t the hobby of games, so that becomes difficult. Sometimes a fishing trip is more important than playing a game to some, and that’s perfectly fine.

2- This one I don’t quite understand. You still got the vehicle so not really a waste IMO.

3- Forces players to play vehicles and progress. Forcing you to have fun with more vehicles essentially.

4- While there are some same vehicles, they are more rare than common.

5- PVE upgrades require an AI overhaul which Gaijin is working on and has been since at least late 2022.
To put AI overhauls into perspective, it took the games company Eagle Dynamics 3 years to overhaul their AI for DCS.
We don’t know if Gaijin will work faster or slower than them, so patience is necessary here.

I hope my agreements and disagreements with your points are well articulated.
If not, please do not hesitate to question my statements you find issue with.


It took me about 48 hours. lol

Yes the game has outgrown its progression structure and every time they mess with it, they make it even more of a mess.
They are stuck with this progression model because people have paid for the assets they have unlocked. So they have to make incremental and compromise changes and “improvements” that can never please everyone.

I verily agree with you on PVE. Not everyone likes “team deathmatch” modes.


Now I understand your rant

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I pray God that’s only your perspective and not a fact or I’m looking at the wrong place. 🙏😭

You began to research it/it was available to research before some change occurred in the tech tree, locking it out. Gaijin does this so that you don’t lose your progress when tech trees are rearranged.

Personally, I can research the Leopard 2K if I want to right now, but can’t use it because I haven’t gotten the T-72M1 yet. This is because before the Leopard 2K was moved I put a small amount of research into it.

Likely he probably doesn’t look a modern titles or has limited hardware. Because… naw. Besides the models and the care taken in creating the maps, the actual quality of the game engine looks exactly like what it is, a decade old.

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Thank you so much! I’m happy (no, I definitely hate this)
After introduction of 8th ground rank I lost my access to research M1A2/SEP, Leopard 2A6/7/PSO and now I have to waste my time in struggling to research extra tanks. Extra 400k RP. That sucks. I stopped researching these TTs

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There are vehicles I will never play such as the Zaclam or what ever the hell it is so instead of wasting 200k I just stopped playing that tech tree and went elsewhere.

I think they should allow you to skip one vehicle in two if you don’t want it instead of making you buy everyone.I find without premium ,that the game really slows down about mid way.
Many agree that Gaijin can’t stop messing with the game and never in a good way.Most of the fixes are fixing the last batch of fixes.

Not every gaming session ends in victory, and the rewards are often scarce. To be honest, I don’t have the luxury of dedicating extensive time to gaming. Nor do I think many others do, unless they’re hardcore gamers or have a premium account.

For example, take the T54 series. Initially, I didn’t want to research every variant of the T54 because I was more interested in the T55. In the past, I had to conduct independent research on each tank. However, in order to reach the T55, I was forced to research every variant of the T54. But after a major update, Gaijin grouped these series together, giving new users the option to research just one series of T54 and then directly research the next new vehicle. From my perspective, this change is an absolute waste of time.

Of course, I’m genuinely excited about researching and operating vehicles such as the Leopard 2A4; however, locking access to models feels restrictive, and requiring users to invest excessive amounts of time into researching every available option appears unnecessary.

If it’s rare, then make it premium. However, this is still unnecessary and extremely dull. You should really take a closer look at the fact that there are already so many identical vehicles in the game, and even more are being added. This is making the game completely unexciting.

I sincerely hope Gaijin adds additional maps to enhance the gaming experience, and introduces a more engaging and enjoyable PVE mode. However, reviewing their past history indicates that Gaijin may not be prioritizing PVE.

Thank you the reply.

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Totally agree with you👍. That means for free users, like us, there is no hope🙄.

Yes😀. It is disappointing that one of my favorite games is becoming unexciting. As a tank enthusiast, I used to really enjoy this game, but major updates, unnecessary decisions, and endless copy-pasted tanks have ruined this nice game.

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OK, so according to you, this game isn’t? Am I missing something💭

Rp research costs decreased by few thousands …RP rewards from battles nuked from orbit …

10 kills 2 caps win …nets you mighty 1600 vehicle rp …with vehicles costing 420 000 rp

260 + battles with each battle ending in 10 kills to research one vehicle …they are having a laugh

If they would stop absolutely butchering the maps and making them tiny I would most likely still be supporting this game financially.

Gaijin’s map design team has made me a free to play player, thanks Gaijin

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As you mentioned, this leads to the problem I shared in issue number 1. In my opinion, if a vehicle is available for research purposes, there should be no restrictions placed on its use😐.

As for tank games specifically, when I initially started gaming in 2015, there was just one prominent choice available - World of Tanks. Even though additional tank games might exist previously, my preferences were focused on realistic gameplay mechanics, appealing graphics, and availability at no cost. After comparing World of Tanks with War thunder, I discovered that War Thunder aligned most closely with what I valued. Currently, there seem to be fewer tank games appearing on the scene, and even those that emerge might not provide the free-to-play format I appreciated within War Thunder. I don’t understand💭 why someone would consider the graphics of this tank game to be poor and outdated. In my opinion, when played in 4K resolution, the graphics are impressive and the level of detail is exceptional.


This is what exactly my issue was, stated in point number 2: I was not at all interested in similar variants of the tank (T-54), but I had no other options. Unwillingly, I had to research them all. After major updates, they grouped them into one 😬👎.
I completely agree👍with you regarding the update issue. I firmly believe that Gaijin releases new major updates not for enjoyable gameplay, but rather to worsen existing features.

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Alright, it seems you’re experiencing difficulties with maps. However, my previously mentioned concerns are what truly matter to me.