Why I one-death-leave (it is not repair cost or lack of tanks)

Hello. I am a one death leaver (for some situations), I will tell you why.

I feel the need to make a new thread, because the previous threads were created on 2023, in which, the game has went over many changes by 2025.

I will not go over “I only have one tank” thingy or premium boost thingy; they do matter, but they are just one of many factors.

I am not particularly good at the game, so my experience, is even more relatable.

Some reasons:

- Extreme BR compression. the 7.0-10.0 BR is particularly bad.

APFSDS (High velocity, high penetration)
Laser rangefinder
Thermal sight

It is far fairer for a M1 KVT (10.7) to fight a Leopard 2A7 (12.0) than a IS-4M (7.7) vs a DF105 (8.0)

I will not play a IS-4M against a TURM III. It is humiliating and feed free kills to the enemies. The light tanks like TAM are also more survivable than IS-4M due to frontal engine layout.

- “Hull down” map designs

Vast majority of maps are horribly designed and designed to be one sided.

Fields of Poland is a good example. Too big, too open, and one sided.

Modern tanks have good turret armor, fast speed, and gun stabilizer that gives massive advantage to the defending side. Shoot and scoot tactics are extremely effective.

I will not drive for minutes just to be sniped from someone “teleporting” to a new position (not exactly; just describing their fast speed)

- Powerful CAS

Tied with the above point, a plane can have many guided missiles/bombs. This isn’t the only issue, but the open maps.

I will not serve as a free kill, and I will not pay SL to become one.

- Even worse BR compression of airplanes

While air RB compression is also bad, my F-20A can face Eurofighter, with only 2x Aim-7F and we know Eurofighter is a 4.5gen airframe in terms of flight performance (yes, I have the plane myself it can go 1500kph and more in sea level)

- Toxic community

I don’t care about stats much, but many others does. When you’re in such a disadvantaged position, and “merit” in the community is based on your KD, I can see why people don’t want to risk it.

If you were to suggest anything is overpowered or underpowered, you’d get your stats posted everywhere, as if “unskilled” players does not have the rights to complain about a tank/plane/ship.


Please use the search function before making threads to be sure that there aren’t duplicates. There are multiple one-death leave threads, like for example (but not limited to) this thread