Why i am leaving

Its overdue but i finally will unsinstall the game. Not right now because gajin doesnt even allow me to participate in the forums as soon i ve uninstalled the game. Shows aswell the obscure treatment of the comunity/customers and people. I am just tired of this nonsense called “gameplay” or “mapdesign”

One one hand u have beautyful modelled Tanks, Jets, Helis, IFVs and on the other hand u have a scenario that is redicolus. My complaints about this game were always related to top tier only. In the lower ranks the maps mostly work. But i didnt grind all the way up because i was bored no it was because i am tired of WWII scenarios and realy wantet to play modern warfare. But insteat let the maps grown in the same way like the BRs´they kept maps in the size of the former BRs and at a specific BR it doesnt make sense anymore. The imersion is completly done, What was hidden well in lower BRs, Symetric maps, small maps punches me in the face each day when i come online. I hear you all saying just dont play top tier and you re right, in lower tiers i wasnt frustrated that much i am in top tier. But as i said: wwII and coldwar i am fed up with. i am 54 years and play computer games 35 years now and believe me, if it was about war in the past it was always ww1 and ww2 so i thought i finaly might have found the time machine that bring me to the present but loking at it now after the last 2 years i figure its the present in an ancient setting: a dull arena where only the strongest will win,there is no place anymore for me who prefers light vehicles that are agile and fast that needs a different kind of just press W and click. There was a time i felt like i can do this but then BR7 came and now BR 8 and the map changes…

No siriously, i am done i cant stand it anymore watching the constant addition of new stuff but completly lacking expanding maps or give new maps the top tier players can enjoy. CAS is becoming a joke, in sense for the pilot because i can hear them laughing each day how easy it is flying like an eagly above a small pond and shoot at the easy to spot and crowded pray…

The maps getting worse and worse, insteat of enhancing and expanding there is narrowing, switching bases, adding more trees and bushes, hills, gaps and that in a way where i ask myself is it actually a grown person who is doing it? Ever tryed top take off a heli 3.5 km away from an elevated position while having a pantsir shooting at you already before u even can say “pants sir! need new pants sir!”

The whole gameplay is basicly a splatterfest and has nothing to do with machinery of war or art of war or strategy. Its dull, boring, frustrating and sad at the same time. This game could at least offer more gamemodes so for everyone is something there. i would embrace Que times in exchange for a good, thoughtful map with real looking maps and not this symetrical arena insantity.

They adde bulldozers i heard back then. I was lie whoa, mebe finally one team has to advance and the other team has to defend something and can dig in while the enemy is advancing. But well, all my tabks that are ablye to have a bulldozer leave it in the hangar because that weight of it i leave there makes my tank more agile…no time or SPACE to use it anyways. Spawn, go ahead find a spot which where i could strategicly benefit from it and before u even start to use it the enemy is already there…

I could go on and on and on and on but the bottom line: Unrealistic head on battles rushing towards to each other with absolutly no brainage in design or orders/missions/goals where different types of vehicles besides MBTs have a role and a use to support the team. Everyone is on his own 90% in a MBT since you cant flank or advance differently than pressing W and click.
“the map changes are good, no more campers” or “it wasnt fun beeing allways shoot from the very same hill” yea i hear you, and it isnt fun no beeing able to lockdown a route and slow the advance or defend your own spawn from those spawn rushers. All maps in top tier are now designed to aproach each other and have a brawl with tanks that are not even designed to do such a thing. Some are designed for hull down sniping, flanking and all that what they could do but not in this game. So LOL? why even add this to this game when in 90% it doesnt work?

Its my fault i know, eveen in RPGs i never chose the rider, swordsman or the babarian. i am always the thief, hunter or wizard because thats what i have fun with. Thas how i compare the IFVs to the rest of the war machinery but i wartunder there is just no place for such “passion”…

I wont start talking much about archers (SPAA) in top tier but designing a game where the pilot exactly know where they spawn and simply circle above this spot and bomb the cr*p out of them untouched insteat giving multiple choices where to spawn on BIGGER MAPS for top tier is another frustrating part which i tryed a while just for the sake not beeing in MBT and press W and click…

So there is that and i am curious about the feedback thats why i leave the game on my HD for a while just to be able to read it. Does this change anything for Gajin? No, not at all, i am just one of a few but also one of many that spend a fortune for this game…and this is probably the reason i ve been so masochistic and kept coming back all the times i turned my back. But i am a working father with a partner with limited time and i am not willing to ruin this time and espcially pay for it. i am without premium account for 6 month now i believe because why unlock more and more useless, broken and inferior stuff?

Mebe there will be a company that makes a game looking like this but beeing actually a war simulation, with proper mission design and therefore real teamplay neccessary…not this “team deathmatch in an Arena”

it was a fun time, gajin. years ago…
but after 12 years seeing where this game is going…RIP


welcome to another rant about gaijin


not an airport, no need to announce departures


its not ment for people like you…basicly a feedback to gajin which i also do when i uninstall a bad anti virus software and the survey pops up…which also pops up when i go uninstall this game but it lacks i deeptalk…isnt the first time i uninstall. But you remind me what else i will not miss about the game…

what do you expect when you title your post “I am doing it, deinstall”?

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Bye bye

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enjoy your newfound freedom

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gajin asking why and reading it…

Enjoy your freedom from the snail

See you next week…

Hi there, first of all thank you for playing the game, you were part of this community and we appreciate you for that.

Leaving feedback on the forums is also something that we appreciate, but there are ways to do it and ways that simply don’t fit. Another thing to consider is that sometimes your personal experience and opinion doesn’t necessarily show the game state, but your perception of it.

And on a last point… Although it’s not against the rules to openly announce your departure from the game, there’s no need to do it.

Wish you the best.