Why haven't we seen any good light tanks for Britain?

Weren’t you gonna grind france
Never mind the plane wasn’t on sale

I was considering France air (never doing another ground tree) but I was waiting for the RP bonus for researching another nation and yeah, I was waiting to see if the Mirage F-1C went on sale.

But I did get the Mirage 2KS-C4. So does that count as reaching top tier for France? :P

Using it will take forever to research but it is a nice plane

Oh yeah, for grinding the tree, something like the Mirage F1-C would be required, but for having a proper try at another nation, it willl do for now. Im happy with the upcoming SB changes. Tornado Gr1 and F3 are about to become a lot stronger and Gripen is fine, just needs finishing. But maybe in the summer sales, If the Mirage does go on sale, i’ll get it then. But Im also semi-expecting a new British Premium aircraft between now and then

Indian Sea Harrier please (properly not that)

Not yet at least, but probably will. Im actually expecting a Premium Jaguar or Tornado or maybe Harrier II for a 11-11.7 premium for CAS or something like Buc S2B for a 10.3 Premium.

Also a Hawk, like a Hawk T1 in a Red Arrow livery could be a really easy add

If they don’t give it derby it will be fine

Yeah, it will entirely depend on loadout for the FRS51.

But with 12.7 now in game, I do think we’ll start seeing 11.7 premium aircraft soon™

Good news:


Oh woops , I see my typo :D

It still remains

Yeah my thoughts exactly like we already have an event 11.7 that properly moving up to 12.0

I’m glad we’re finally getting 12.7. admittedly 2 months late but hey better late than never.

The Phantom’s are more useable and the Tornado will finally not see Su-27’s.

I’d argue they should have come in September, but anyway :D

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Yeah it good it allows a good separation when fox 3 4th gens come along side 3rd gen fox 3

Fun fact some of the Catalina the UK got were built by Canada.

namely the IA and IIA versions.

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They should just add 120A and equivalents. The R-27ER is much better now. It was designed to go so stupidly fast that it would hit the 120 launcher before the missile went Pitbull.

I need to research some stuff about the Catalina. The Sunderland has always been my love but the Catalina seems so interesting.

But R77 is definitely gonna arrive at the same time as AMRAAMS

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Have to give the Russians that 90% win rate in air ground and sea.