Why has the Leclerc stock HEAT?

We have like 7 Leclercs to add before the S1.

I would not say it’s the worst, but probably the one that is the most far from what it is ingame vs IRL, with still dozen+ of bug report not worked on since months or years, powercreeped, and a lot of things different like the hyperbar engine, but in WT it act like a basic diesel engine like every others MBTs while it should not be the case.

Actually there is even 2 variants of the 140mm (older one, not counting the recent ASCALON).

When this help the 3 glory, for when it’s for helping other, they make things up.

Since long time i would say War Thunder have nothing “realism” anymore. Hard to give them that they make realism game when they choose shells, reload time and all as balance factor.

All top tier tank have mainly all data secret, but somehow the 3 glory (+Sweden since they use German tanks) have better tanks than others, interesting isn’t it, how guessing things work better for some nations than others ?

And to the fact that the 2 first Leclercs start with HEATFS when every others MBTs at that BR use APFSDS, i would say it’s just usual French treatment by Gaijin.


That part i didnt argue

Yes, while true capability wise its hard to say if they reach 10.3 roughly smins statement was pretty clear

Pretty sure germany doesnt have made up in that sense, vomes with being the biggest western export.
Still leo underperforming funnily enough

Like i said biggest export lead to more information being available. The fremch laws dont help

It doed decrease the overall grind suspentialy just saying

Bet this statement would not exist if it was for a German or Russian tank with very few accessible data, somehow.

Funny how lacking data pull always French tank to the lower possible stats and capability.

Yeah, and we have the saddest rank VII of all the game, when we have still lot of others MBTs variants or other vehicles to add.

Hard to say , those nations are /were strong heavily exporters with well known capability and advertised their stuff a lot.
The unknowns are realy rare and even them can be figured out with data from sister projects

No worried the netherlands are here to help you out now and i guess belgium a bit.

That’s a bad thing. If it was for getting domestic Belgium things would have been nice.

But i prefer the TT in that state that with copy pasted Leopards.

Gaijin going the easy-lazy way as usual.

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Ok there is the rest of them.

About the vehicle we are talking you can go and read them in the suggested topic here if you can’t find them. I don’t understand what’s the problem here. One of them is from Marc Chassillan which is for gaijin more than 10 secondary sources.

I don’t even understand what do you mean by this you can even watch videos about it made by french army here and here.

Yes does read what i have said.

It was to show you how much gaijin values information from him.

ok i am explain it very slowly now, so that even you understand it

thats not many, thats the problem its even books named multiple times only different pages

yes and those are iffy which make it problematic
No specific values for the armor and generaly lack of sources, its simply not enough or qualified sources

a vehicle that would fit the 10.3 gap

doesnt mean anything honestly, gajin prefers the most bullshit sources sometimes and is hard stuck on data that is even wrong

Generaly even the MCS as example might not fit the lower br gap because of mobility and the autoloader its that simple, this together with the lack of sources does make it a bad addition

And how many would be enough for you because you said you want multiple sources i provided them to you still yet say it’s not enough. Then tell me how many would you want beause I bet you would struggle to find this many sources on some vehicles that are already present in the game.

You can’t call them iffy because they don’t provide exact data on armour thickness. That’s pretty much a thing for all modern vehicles found in the game. They are all just estimates. Just like MSC would be estimated as lighter thus less armoured leclerc prototype.

I said it would be around 10.7 since it’s worse type 90. Not every nation needs to fill every possible BR just rank is enough.

That’s a problem with gaijin’s attitude towards the community feedback not the problem with sources I provided you.

As i have already said it would be very similar to type 90 in mobility and armour, with worse round and worse reload. So no, it would very well fit there.

There is no lack of sources as I said as well as its capabilities can be compared to vehicles already found in the game. Just because you don’t want to see it in the game it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be added especially if it is such a crucial vehicle for the french TT.

typical rule from gajin 1 primary source or 2 secondary sources specialy talking only about this tank in detail

not true, there is armor tests etc which were used as basis for the leopards, challengers, abrams etc from the swedish study and even for the leclerc

so it still doesnt fill the gap, what france needs is a 10.3 / 10.0 vehcile line up to go with the roland 1 and other current lights.
If you take 10.7 congratulation you are getting thrown into constant top tier

there is

who said i dont want to?

it is not, it does nothing to solve the current french problem because its br is to high thats my main issue

@Hyrikul this is propably the reason in generall why Smin said there propably is no lelcec premium coming, there is simply no line up at all currently for france that could support it, it would realy be throwing in a 10.7 vehicle without any other possible line up into the french line and would affect it way to bad

Will there is still many 1 death leavers in other countries as well, there is still plenty who take back up vehicles which simply isnt possible for france currently. Thats why the goal is 10.0-10.3 to fill the current gaps while not exposing the line up to top tier

I provided more than that.

And they are heavily criticized for that since those tests are from the 90’s and yet they are used for the vehicles that were made only few years back. Especially the Leo 2A7V which has totaly new manufactured hull yet it is still used to determine its protection.

Again we dont need to vehicles for every BR besides Roland 1 which is abysmal already has 9.7 line up. So also a new spaa such as Roland 2 or VAB TA-23 is needed.

With the game’s natural progression this won’t be a problem soon.

More than 2 secondary source as requsted. So there is not.


Who are still trying to persuade me that it doesn’t fit into the game.

It is. It is the best fit for french rank 7 MBT.

Even if I don’t see this as an issue since many people bring higher BR aircraft at top tier making it less likely to get uptierd to 11.7. It won’t be an issue at all when the max BR for ground gets risen in few months.

Yes because they never bothered to add support vehicles at that BR.

Yes but it would be better if they have chosen french designes over copy pasting leo 2 and cv90 there.

Bad addition because it doesnt fill the needed role discussed here.
Doesnt mean i wouldnt want it at all. It just doesnt solve the french problem

It wont be a problem because benelux is solving it. Others you would propably need to wait another year.

The sources are about the optics /transmission specialy as well not about the vehicle itself whichbis needed

Its the lowest possible fit maybe.
But its not a good fit because it does a bad job at its intended purpose

Thats ifs you aremt even sure of if it will happen or when

Ignoring the fact that france doesnt have 10.3 mbts

I does fill the rank 7 which was discussed and It would fall exactly in the middle of the 9.7-11.7 gap. So it does solve it at least partialy since obviously it’s still only a one vehicle and they have to add the rest as well.

I and many others from what i have seen would rather wait that year than seeing another TT becomming more and more copy pasted mess.

You are literally ignoring 6 other books excluding Jane’s and a video from french army talking about the whole project and the vehicle and its specifications just because there are also sourcess about certain equipment used on that vehicle? What the hell is this?
It was enough to be allowed as a suggestion and even enough to pass it to the developers. It is apparently enough for the mods and for many from the community who supported its addition and me.

I am not going to discuss this baseless arguments anymore unless there is response from the devs stating there is not enough info about it.

It is the best fit since it is a natural progression from amx 40 to leclerc. That was its purpose IRL and would be in the game as well. A bridge between amx 40 and Leclerc that can fill rank 7 mbt line.

There is no “if” only when and you very well know that.

Because it doesnt need them. You dont need every nation to have perfect line up at every BR. Copy pasting another the same vehicle already found in other TTs dosnt solve anything. Why would you even want play Leo 2 with cv90 in the french TT when you can already do that in the swedish TT.

If there was no french vehicle to fill rank 7 I would get it I though that too for quite some time but this is not the case. And you are just trying to create artificial problem that 10.3 copy paste is the only and the best way to fix the gap even if it is not.

It’s a CAN leoC2A1, so completely irrelevant for this discussion, killed 46 bots using only HEAT-FS or did you use DM33? And even then 9.3 is a far cry from 11.7, where most of the tanks have excellent CE protection.

I’ve spaded almost 800 vehicles but playing the first two Leclercs was the first time I’ve actually been tempted to buy modules with GE, because playing 11.7 with only Heatfs is so painful that it’s just wrong.
There’s almost nothing you can actually kill with Heatfs, so you’re left to drive around trying to get capture points and activity time.
It’s nothing short of ridiculous!


Well on that part i disagree.

France is the only nation without lineup (or any vehicle…) between 9.7 and 11.7.

Stuff should come here, domestic in priority, then from BeNeLux (and i mean domestic BeNeLux, like Belgium vehicles with cockerills turrets) then, later, copy past, but i really think they are not needed.

Even if every nation should not have perfect lineup everywhere (and… Why not?), it’s wrong when in that case we are the only nation ingame without lineup and lack of that scale.

I can’t believe Gaijin think than even the first Leclercs proto are top tier worth it ( = 11.7 and no before) and none of them can come around 10.3 as premium (and TT). Arent just saying even the Leclercs proto is better than anything else, Abrams and Leopards of that era? x))

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If you look higher in the conversation I already proposed full 10.3/10.7 line up which would consist of purely french vehicles.

I do agree with that the priority should be domestic vehicles though I was and stil am against Benelux subtree so I would rather see no copy paste vehicles at all.

That’s where we were talking about the unnecessity for copy paste 10.3 if there would already be domestic 10.7 line up. Really check the massages before that one you will get the whole picture of that conversation.

Well they are not indeed. Just the lack of OFL 120 F1 would make them 11.0 material just as it is in case of TKX (P). Which is 2 BR steps lower just because it lacks better round. But top tier is absolute mess atm and it needs huge decompression.

ehhh not realy, you argued it being one, but not necesarily. it lacks a lot including relevant sources

Just because you dont like it that doesn’t make it less viable.

We already had this conversation yet you are still repeating the same thing over and over again no matter what I say or provide you. At this point it looks like you just want Leopard 2 in french TT and that’s all you care about. Seriously, please stop making clown of yourself and drop the arguing.

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yes and i told you over again that you arent using the right sources which gajin needs.
You are providing sources that are irrelevant and not accpeted like janes and sources talking about specific components but not enough sources about the vehicles itself
this is just a fact

i honestly couldnt care less if france receives them

you are clowning here, you consist on faulty sources. i am just clarifiyng on the reasons why gajin isnt accepting it

You probably don’t care because if Gaijin start to add Mirages Swiss or some of the vehicle made between France and Swiss to Germany, you gonna say “shut up you have Leopards so it’s ok if we got thoses”