Why has the Leclerc stock HEAT?

same reason the leopard is one of the best states in the game, its the biggest exported western tank

Ok now I get it but then the whole thing is supposed to be a game right ? When some tanks are clearly lacking, why don’t they just buff them even if it’s innacurate ?

Also this problem was clearly evident when they started adding modern stuff in the game. They sould’ve come up with a solution the day they introduced MBTs

because war thunder prouds itself/advertises their "realismen "aspect. The only balance aspect they when allow is the type of restricted ammo and the reload rate, everything else they try to keep as close to the orignal.
If you want balanced games you should look for other tank games, its easy as that

again realismen, some tanks are better some are worse, that just how it is and the answer is life with it

WT is the most balanced of them all, don’t even get me started with WoT.

Agreed, but that’s why they have a BR system. When some tanks are obivously worse, they shoudln’t be on the same BR, seems logical to me.

I have the feeling they wanted to push a 11.7 tank in every nation no matter what, and now we end up in this situation

again br compression always has been an issue thats a whole other topic then this.

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Why not adding % of some NATO round to NATO countries for NATO standard gun (like proxy fuse & smoke, or round) ? And same for USSR, China,…

this has been the case already, the Ariete is so bad gajin gave them the german DM53, the leclerc simply as i said is not that bad its middle of the pack if anything

From what I know on it, The Leclercs are middling. They arent the best (no where near the 2A7V, BVM, etc) but also generally better than the Ariette and Challenger (though I think the map heavily influences which is strictly better). Overall they are on-par with the Abrams I think.

But as with all nations. I think the single greatest issue is compression. We just have 1+ BRs of tanks, all at 11.7 and so things just suffer as a result. To use a French aircraft comparison. It would be like expecting a base Mirage IIIs to face F-16s.


Pretty much summarised what i said xD

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Every vehicle capable of firing APFSDS on rank 7 also had a stock APFSDS IRL.

Not in war thunder.
The obly vehicles at rank 7 with stock apfsds to my knowledge is the swedish tanks because they simply dont use heatfs at all

Yeah pretty silly to be using ammunition intended for PCs, and other light armor to fight MBTs.

That is not exactly true. MSC would be basically type 90 with worse reload so it could be squeezed to 10.7 with backing vehicles such as vextra with proper round and reload, sphinx or amx-10 with T40M turret with simple spaa such as roland 2. Also proto leclercs would work similarly to TKX (P) in game.

So the rank 7 can definitely be filled with french vehicles.


What you are saying is hearsay and you cant be right they would realy end up at thar br

Which part do you mean?

Obviously it’s all up to gaijin at what BR would those vehicles be but if i compare them to vehicles from other nations the BR would make sense imo.

About the vehicles you named.
All french prototypes with heavily restricted information and unkown capability

Thars the thing you can realy be sure of its capabilities in the first place

We do know enough about those vehicles probably even more than about some vehicles that are already in the game. Even about MSC which is from late 80’s. Besides that they already use estimates for classified vehicles that are in the game.

Capabilities such as cannon/penetration, engine power, weight etc. are well known so it can be roughly guessed what BR those should be.

With the required primary resources / multiple secondary sources required for implementation?

Be my guest, give me an proven example of one of the vehicles

Do you really think you need

Is this not enough?

One of those sources is even a book from Marc Chassillan “(most respected specialist of French tanks)” as said by gaijin which should account for more than 10 secondary sources based on this

Janes is not reliable and not accepted

And seems like thats generell sources. I would you to show it on a vehicle specialy on the gap