Why has the Leclerc stock HEAT?

Pretty self explanatory, why has the two first Leclerc stock HEAT ammo while all other nations have Sabot ?

they don’t

The Leclerc series isn’t special in this regard, the rank VII ones have only HEAT-FS stock like most other nations, and the rank VIII have an APFSDS round stock, like most other nations.


Everything should have stock APFSDS, nothing should have HEATFS and never should have, especially after adding new top tier vehicles with stock APFSDS, it’s absurd to still have the older vehicles with stock HEATFS that now have to fight in an uptier againt APFSDS.

It’s just a big middle finger to the player where they intentionally ruin a vehicle and make it unplayable to squeeze another penny out of you.


Which one then ?

Except no other nation has a rank VII at 11.7
Ranks mean nothing while BR does, so why is the Leclerc at 11.7 with a perfectly useless shell and why is it the only one in this situation ?


I wouldn’t mind if it was at 11.3 like all other ranks VII. It just looks like another “fck you french players” to me.


If it had it it would be 11.7 with the devs’s logic

Yeah stock APFSDS is only on rank 8 iirc, so them not having it is indeed within expectation.

The actual French outliers are the Super Etendard and both French jaguars, who are the only rank 7 jets in game to not get stock missiles.

Not higher then 10.3

its not, its to reduce grind, they reduced the french rank 8 vehicles, else they would have 4 rank 8 vehicles leading to you needing to grind possible 200k research points more to unlock the last leclerc
Its a compromise gajin did to HELP france not the other way round


The amount of frags needed to pull your weight in Assault Arcade is 40.

It’s not useless, just more difficult to get good with.

well then let’s rephrase, france has the only 11.7 tank in the entire game that gets stock HEATFS. Also there’s little to no difference between all the Leclerc variants so this rank thing sounds like a scam just to avoid seeing that the devs left a massive hole in the tech tree


I see the point, but it’s clearly not helping. A solution that would actually help is to add a real rank VII vehicle, put these two Leclerc at 11.3 instead of .7, delete the rank VII for France if they really have nothing to put in it etc.

And your point is ? Also, that tank really doesn’t look like a Leclerc

HEAT-FS is incredibly bad, and it should never be the stock shell. The only reason it is there, is to force you to GE modifications.

Ideally every tank and plane would get all the ammunitions, munitions, and important equipment stock. Ffs we don’t even have stock parts, and we barely have stock FPE.


Also i wouldn’t mind more expensive tanks instead of the grind

well i have good news for you, france is getting leopards trough the benelux tree, but will be another tree, the leclercs wont change

thats not how the game works, balancing doesnt allow them to go down and there will come rank 7 stuff

That’s not really good news … France has tons of intersting vehicles and didn’t need another copy paste …

It would be more than balanced, Leclerc is already the worst mbt and the first variants are clearly more suited to be 11.3


no mbts for the 10.3 area, thats one of the main reasons france got benelux in the first place

ohhh boy lol, the leclerc by far isnt the worst tank. Arietes, challys and merkavas would like to have a word with you. All worse then the leclerc