Why gaijin make big maps

its game, not real life.

That’s a problem with third-person perspective, not maps.

The same problem exists on maps of any size, as you can just as easily sit behind a hill/etc watching the whole map while being literally impossible to see (and even when partially visible, are inherently “smaller” due to distance). I’d argue the larger and more open settings actually make third-person “abuse” far more of a problem, but it’s universally bad.


It’s called being part of the game.

yeah but it isnt really fun imo, you cant really do much against a hull down MBT across the map. yeah, you could use CAS, but I also hate the use of CAS lol

similarly, im sure you love the idea of a Leo 2a7/122 hull down in the hills where you can’t shoot them, so you just have to NOT leave spawn or go for objectives.

Do they spend millions of dollars to make tanks just so they can be good in warthunder?

Bad map design=/= big maps bad


who “they”.

why u hate CAS?

No its called being willingly ignorant

The people that make and design tanks? Armies perhaps?

(ADHD brains)


You posted eight map comparisons, and only two of those maps has average engagement ranges of over 400m.

Thats what I consider small



gaijin won’t give us good map design, thinking they’ll improve that is just delusional.

Everyone loves to complain but the right ears dont want to listen

Because its the ultimate point 'n click gameplay. You’re killing tanks that cant really fight back, if they ever even notice you’re there before its too late. Only a few nations have AA thats competent enough to even deal with the CAS vehicles. Helicopters cant really be locked by airborne IR missiles nor radar, so all in all it doesnt make for fun gameplay.



Gaijin dont care
Thats what it says

There should be player choice whether they want to play the small arcade style maps like rhine or seversk and people who want to play the larger maps like fulda or maginot