It is getting so sad. Gaijin is ignoring all the pleades of players. Heli PvE need massive fixing. Task spawn really slow, heli pads spawn rarely with capcured territory, AI has aimbot on the level of cheaters, very low rewards for the time spend in the game mode. Plus unbalanced pairing.
Im playing a 9.3 helicopters (manage to get more rockets and AP belt) but im paired up with 10.3/10.7/11.0 helicopters that has long range missles, A2A missles and what am i suppose to do? I spend in this game 50 min and i did nothing thanks to task not spawning and need to compete against 1000x better helicopters
Heli PVE is completely and utterly broken, i would even say nearly unplayable in some cases.
Sometimes experienced players even have to remove the aimbot gepards, so that you can attack the convois at all.
It also takes ypu forever to reach any enemy or objective.
I just started researching heli purely with ground.
Yup. If you dont have ATGM on your helicoptes, it so hard to take out those gepards. On maps with city i did a tactic where i hid behind building. Quickly poke out, fire all my rockets at one gepard, hoping to kill and went quickly behind cover so i wouldnt get killed my others. I did this for 8 minuts before i manage to go and kill the rest of the AT guns
The only noticeable changes I have seen has been the removal of rolands from bases. Not much of a fix, but it made it easier to attack bases. That is, long as the higher br helis don’t wipe them out first.
They are not fear there are one word for it
I remember those BS thing. Rolands with a aim bot firing missiles faster then M163. I also remember time before that were SPAA on those maps were max Falcons and most of the time it was Cruseider AA with 40mm. Those were easy to kill enough that i manage to grind a whole Italian helis at that time.