Why free RP

Yes that would be the best thing to do

See on my screen the translation of “France” as a nation is actually “Suffer” so maybe not all translations are wrong.

On the other point, this is how you end up with a more positive outcome of a “whine” as there is usually a core of truth to a grievance that gets lost when people take it to the extreme (i.e. this really comes down to wanting cheaper paid progress, butcas mentioned they do “control” progress so they would shaft us all some other way, especially the use of SL as it is one of their “balancing” tools.).

That’s low… it’s just that France is always kept back,…

See about Magic-2 changes,… they appeared alongside new missile.

The Magic-2 should have been added with it’s full abilties,… yet Gaijin always denied that to France. (And still is : double plan 50G is still not there)

Mirage 2000-5F is a mess of an aircraft, as it doesn’t have such a high Air-Ground Ability in real life.

Same with Étendards CCIP/RADAR, or everything else related.

So,… Gaijin just don’t know how to read french, or they are completely using a double standard.

Yep that’s actually a correct one

never doubted it, that’s why I’m fed up when all I see are poeple insulting each other without finding the issue

See, I am supporting France in WT, possibly misunderstood humor. Ever since the first hike in 6.0-8.0 repair costs years ago (minor nation syndrome) I never recovered, which was a huge shame (back then).

If you check (not in this thread) I get my fair share thrown at me and only usually reply like that when started upon (again, not me here).

Not saying it’s your fault. I’m saying that since you carry unpopular opinionon threads where people just want to whine, they will automatically start a conflict and the whole thread will go offroad.

Absolutely… Don’t mind me… ;)

Wow you are out of touch completely.

People do not fail to understand what the system ist. They are asking to CHANGE what the system is.

People know that there is yoghurt for dessert, but they want apple pie. You saying, “But we have a yoghurt for dessert,” is not an argument. People want to change the system, not adjust it. Your failure to understand this shows it all.

Get off your high horse.

People demanding change is what drives the gamw. You are a stagnant old part set on killing the game by “keeping sverything the same as it always has been”, or at least that is what you are impling.

So sth you declared bullshit has to stay bullshit because you want bullshit in your game. Gotch fam. You are now comodore bullshit.

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Not saying that it’s bad though. I like it since it sometimes can lead to a change and I also like to see if others feel the same as me

Totally not what someone out of touch would say.

Why do you care?
You declared the system as “useless bullshit” yet you are vehemently against any and all change to it. This is an absolute contradiction.

You changed the subject from wanting to change the system to wanting to tell gaijin that they havw a misstranslation. That is not “moving on” that is going off-topic. And done in a way you people have mastered. By distraction you want to end all discussion after loosing your arguments as usual.

Same as above.
You are just talking out of your arse. Telling gaijin there is a translation mistake is fine and all. It is not a changeing if the system to sth usefull. So not the topoc is not over.


Sure Comodore Bullshit. Now you engage in a demand for censorship.

Your cheep tactics are clear as day.
Go piss off if you consider the system to be bullshit then you have no stake in it.

If you have no stake in it why would you be so massively agaisnt changing it to sth better.

It makes no sense to defend sth you yourself deemed “Bulllshit”.


I know, we even got some progress about translation didn’t we. Not sure what this other chap has issue with outside of his faux outrage!

Moving on back to the topic I hope…

Because you said nothing rxcept for “crydont change this system I deemed bullshit, I need my bullshit in the game”

You derailed the threat from a discussion about changing the system to a discussion about reporting a misstranslation.
That is derailing. And now you want to claim that “stuff is getting done and the threat finished” because you solved a problem only found by derailing the threat.

Sure Comodore.

Lets get back to topic.

Why arw you agaisnt changing a system which you yourself labaled as “Bullshit”

A question you have ignored from the beginning. Probably because you only have bullahit to offer as an answere?

And even more aystem abuse

its not free rp, its convertable rp. the free rp is rewarded by acing your tanks. 20% of the RP spent on acing a vehicle gets rewarded to the vehicle your researching for free.

Says he l, while bothering me with him not bothering. The bothering reaches new levels?

But it isnt the end.
You just derailed it for your own purposes

Still you have not answered a simple question.

Again with your authoritarian decree?
Maybe you shoudl stop typing and start to reflect?

And the spam reports cometh

So you did and did not lable it as bullshit?

Amazing. Have you got any more of them personalities?

You dont seem to remember half of what you are typing mate.

Maybe dial it down and reflect, think and only then reply?
You arw getring awfully angry over sth you called “Bullshit”

And more senseless reports abusing the system

Zrzut ekranu 2023-10-28 132122

If I could exchange it for SL, I could spend another few hundred million on SL boxes
All will benefit

Nah we’ve established that the semantic issue is linked to bad translation. From my POV it’s indeed free RP but not in the english version.

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Man to the end he did not realise that he posted his true thoughts after hours of arguing with arguments invalidated the moment he posted his true thoughts.

And after all of that he gave me the highest honour of me seeing all his uninformed posts while he will never see the light again.

A Man who argues for a system for hours just to call the system “bullshit” while still arguing for said system is truely sad, if he does not realise the contradiction of him calling a system bullshit whiel arguing in defense if said system

Ao he now blocks poor old me because he has no answere to that self-imposed canandrum. Sad sad day