Why doesn't the dicount for special vehicles show up after I completed the quiz? It just takes me to the gaijin store page. No special packs are shown

Why doesn’t the dicount for special vehicles show up after I completed the quiz? It just takes me to the gaijin store page. No special packs are shown.


Hey man, I’m having the exact same issue. Any luck yet? I want to put my hands on the BF109Z so badly.

Also happened to me a few hours ago, Received the title but nothing on the webpage

Yeah I comepleted it and got a 10/10 and didn’t get any pop up about the packs. And I still can’t transfer my account over now that I’m on PC too which sucks

My friend is having the same issue.

Same with me and my friends. Only got the title and nothing else. Would like to get a hold of the sav for sweden. Hope it gets resolved soon

I am having the same issue, at least its not just me

Yeah, same here. Any luck so far?

Still having the same issue myself. I click proceed and it just redirects me to the main store page.

Same problem.

the same for me and many others you can read on reddit …

i made a support ticket …

after proceeding you get not the the vehicles, you are sent back to the main page back

—>>> its fixed for me now, thx !

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