How to get access to purchase unique vehicles?

I have seen the new war thunder quizz upon completion allows for the exclusive purchase of some rare vehicles, i confirmed it with other players and even saw it on some content creators videos, however when i click “proceed” I am pulled towards the general gaijin store, and the rare vehicles are out of reach.
Will this be fixed?


Same, completed 10/10, got the title but clicking Proceed goes back to top level store.
PC user


Broken for me as well. Hitting the proceed button just takes you back to the main store page and not the special packs. PC user with steam account


Same issue here. PC User/Steam.

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Hope it gets fixed soon. My buddies and i want the sav bad

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You guys need to send tickets to the support

Already done, there’s a ticket open with around 8 people saying they have the same problem. Hopefully get a response soon

having the same issue, even typed the link in, but nothing

Please be sure to be logged in on same account you finished quiz. When you click link, sometimes page first load without logged user, then, after 0,5s blink and log you in. Then you will get front page instead of special site. Just paste the link again to same tab in browser, it should works fine.

If that not helps, please re-log and try again.
If that wont help, please provide screen of what you get when you click link.



People already specifically said they tried that and it didn’t work, what we see is that we simply are redirected to the main store page

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i have tried everything you tell me to do but it didn’t help TwT

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Same for me. It just takes me to the mane page


sorry i forgot to send this

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Same problem, tried multiple times, just doesn’t work. I deem that it has something to do with the servers


By using this link: Gaijin.Net Store and flipping through the pages I managed to find each vehicle, but I still cant enter the webpage, it automatically redirects me to the gaijin storefront…


Push the big ‘PROCEED’ button.

Same here, tried to add them to the cart and buy them that way but the cart was empty when I went to check out.

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After you get 10/10 in quiz, when you go here: Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

Do you see Brainiac title?
Zrzut ekranu 2023-12-21 145648

yes. I see the Brainiac title on that page and in game.

I see it