Numbers are not made up, you can calculate them yourself if you have informations on 3BM60, since the only change IIRC is the DU tip you just need to change that with L-O formula.
3BM60 (note that this calculation shows the same penetration you get in War Thunder, because it uses L-O):
And into that you have to take into account that 3BM59 is slightly slower, thing im not taking into account currently, as you can see the improvement is minimal.
And what bearing will that have on the tank itself? It’s a shrapnel shell, it’ll be as effective as firing HEAT above a tank… It won’t do shit.
Im not questioning the numbers im questioning other factors including the propellent and such
Why so much whinging if you dont think it would work dont use it.
You’re going to have a fun time here. Welcome to the forums everyone! A new Z-turd :D
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Only change is the DU tip, so there would be no changes.
I know the concept of what I have said to do with it is to hard for you grasp. So that might be your problem
That’s exactly what I’m saying… It won’t work, don’t put it in-game. There’s no purpose for it.
Also, I’m the one whining? You need to reflect on yourself, this entire post is you whining about BS that you’re making up on-the-spot
You know the concept of 3OF82?
Apparently not well enough…
Yes, thank you, @VillainModeArc see? No changes in diameter or width, come on! Whats your point villain
here is some resume of an interview, also i would like sources to your claim of the type 10 having more pen than DM53 cuz idk if you’ve noticed but DM53 its marginally longer than type 10 round
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Anyone got the subtitles for that?
Not making it sorry you dont lie the concept of it being used or understand it. I know real big concept there. I never said that was the concept behind the 30f82 but it could therotical be used like that. I suggest remedial reading classes for you
nothing really the original video; its like a 3-hour-long interview and its all in japanese, there is also this one with tamiya
You didnt read your own article did you
We are talking about the type 10 round not the tank. You know that right ?