Why does the t-72b3 have a reload rate of 7.1

So you got nothing then more then anyone else does congrats

slow clap for Semi

Very slow clap for you semi so no sources nothing to back your claims up but NO.

I’m not saying I have no sources. Stop being a dick, I’m just saying that public sources state there was no change in the dimensions of the round…

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I haven’t claimed anything up to that comment

Wikipedia literally cites there sources as well bottom of the page for those on the slow bus

Here you go

BM60 on left, BM59 on right


You started by being the dick here dude

Thats from what ?

Yeah, fucking magic 6mm of a change @VillainModeArc , now go fuck off to bedlignton, you’ve got 2nd grade primary school to catch up tommorow

The TOW-2B’s fusing is a magnetic and laser based fuse, it is in no way at all related to the 3OF26 EDKV’s fuse which is a digital time fuse that is set by the autoloader prior to firing.

This is like saying a WW2 AAC shell is somehow equivalent to the new 120mm AMP rounds for the M1A2, its not even remotely comparable.

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You made up some numbers what ?


Not what i was saying at all. Do you have reading problems ?

It’s called using the L-O formula with public sources…

Oh see you are being the dick and remained one. Cite a source or gtfo really rofl

hahahah a little more then that goes into it. Try again

I cba especially for a useless waste of space like you on this limited planet. I could search for the sources again, but nah, I don’t feel like trying to win an srgument with an 11 year old defending himself with no defence

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What goes in? Your tiny dick? Magic!!!

Oh that is mean semi. You are the only child here now run along