Why does the m22 not have scouting abilities

Why does the m22 not get the scouting ability. It is a light tank that is found even in top tier. Does anyone know why it does not have that ability because I feel it should be added.

Because it is rank I, and rank I tanks don’t get scouting.


If rank 1 tanks got scouting, then the entire map would be lit up 2 minutes, as most rank 1 things are lights.

That says more about the average Clickbait players lineup than it does anything about M22 lol.


If only scouting were given to specific R1 vehicles.

Imagine if gaijin gave the m22 scouting as an April fools prank. No br would be safe

Generally specific vehicles should be the exception. Particularly vehicles such as M22, Type-98 Ke-NI Model A, and Ha-Go Commander for example.

Yet, the M56 has scouting and is a TD.

Almost like there’s no reason for arbitrary requirements.

Just give scout vehicles scouting. Just because a tank is a light tank, doesn’t even mean it should have scouting.

Like it makes no sense that the Cruisader Mk II and III are considered “light tanks” and get scouting while the Cromwell a medium tank, when they are both Cavalary tanks.
And the Cruisader has around the same armor as a Pz III and more in general as some Italian medium tanks.

But then armored cars used for scouting don’t get the ability because “Rank 1”.
Only Gaijin can come up with something that stupid, like removing HE shells from low tier tanks.

I think the M22 and BT-7M might be good candidates for Rank II. I mean there was a person passionately arguing that the M8 Scout car needs to be BR 2.7