Just looked at the kurnass 2000 radar and it had sarh
They took the sparrows away in favour of Pythons and flare pods
I know that but why didn’t they take the SARH off the radar?
Afaik the radar is capable if datalink guidance, therefore AIM-7P and AIM-120 could be guided. Doesn’t have CW though.
Still, it never carried them, even though it had the capability.
But oh well, there’s other, more pressing issues with that plane such as lack of ground modes and incapability to carry laser ordnance and tv at the same time. They denied that capability based on other sources, most of which are american ( even though it has an FCS capable of such things).
That and lack of more ordnance options.
The Kurnass 2000 radar is a unique radar in how it has been publicly handled by developers.
We know that there are many open reports on equipments such as vehicles, weaponry, equipments that have been collecting dusts and for a long time many have suspected that developers purposely ignore certain reports so as to keep vehicles at certain battle-ratings.
In fact, the current statement is that developers do not balance missiles/radars/aircrafts.
However, the APG-76, the radar on the Kurnass 2000 is unique in that the developers explicitly state that they will deny and close reports on the radar regardless of how valid it is, because “no further improvements will be done to the radar.” I cannot recall any other equipment in-game having such a statement made regarding it.
that is super interesting.
I know
Wtf?? Why? That’s complete BS.
So give it 7F or 7M so it can guide them without the CW illuminator. I fail to see where the issue is.
Probably nothing will change though and I have no hope for anything here.