Why does spalling not ricochet off the inside of a tank?

If you had actually played a Nation like Britain, a nation that exlcusively uses Solid Shot or APDS shells and rarely if ever uses APHE. Then you would understand why this is so important of a change and why its needed. with Solid shot or APDS, if you dont nail the exact right perfect spot. you do no damage, at all. Meanwhile, a glancing blow from a APHE shell, will one shot you. The skill requirements to play a nation like Britain is so high, there is a running joke that if you want to learn shot placement, play Britain.

Actually having shrapnel ricochet, would not only make APDS/Solid shot on par with APHE, at least partially. but actually balance the game massively. Not a single tank would move BR if this was implemented.

The shell is weaker, yes. but Britain does NOT suffer as a result, because their players are above average skill, and they cancel that out and still win 50% of the time. So it’s already balanced.

If you take a thing that’s already balanced, and add any significant buff to it WITHOUT compensating with an equal nerf, then it will by basic arithmetic become un-balanced. Simple. Objectively true. Unavoidable.

So you can’t do that.

Not a single tank would move BR if this was implemented.

That could only be true if the change didn’t matter at all. Which if so would directly contradict your earlier claim that it would be a “massive buff”. Uhhh? Make up your mind? Is it a massive buff? Or is it inconsequential? Can we nail that down first before proceeding?

I play War Thunder to play tanks not to play Esports

I want realistic mechanics

APFSDS is common at high tier across all nations and this change would buff performance there as well

It might finally justify the addition of spall liners which NATO tanks are sorely missing

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That’s at least a logically valid reason. Although I suspect that a small minority of people value hyper realism over and above “All their lineups being completely messed up and their progress jumbled” etc. So it’s unlikely to be a good tradeoff for the company if that’s the only reason.

which NATO tanks are sorely missing

This language “sorely” again rather strongly implies between the lines that you are thinking of them getting spall liners WITHOUT an accompanying BR compensation. Which can’t happen. They can be “unimmersively” missing them per your above argument, sure, wherein they get a more accurate layout but also the BR compensation, and are overall no stronger but yes more historical. But “sorely” as in “they need to win more”, not likely to happen. That’s unbalanced.

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I’m referring to top tier, 11.7

11.7 tanks die with a penetrating shot unless the player doesn’t know what they’re doing

That’s not realistic for real world performance

Spall liners exists and should be modeled

Modeling spall liners with current post penetration mechanics would make the game very annoying

Spall liners + spall ricocheting thus increasing the lethality of a penetrating shot would be an enjoyable mechanic to play with imo

Currently fuel tanks act as spall liners there’s certain tanks of certain nations that have very poorly placed fuel tanks yet this is treated as add on armor, it’s unrealistic. Spall liners are used by every nation in modern tanks, there’s no inbalance in adding them. Equally, every modern MBT is shooting APFSDS, there’s no inbalance in making all said rounds’ spall richocheting.

Yes I know.

Spall liners exists and should be modeled

Right so that’s you just wanting it for immersion, basically. That’s fine in a vacuum, but it would necessarily have to come with huge BR changes (most likely simply BR +1.3 such that the NATO tanks end up completely isolated and not in the same matches as Russian tanks, since lesser BR changes don’t accomplish much at the top), and completley change the landscape of the game.

One could argue maybe it wouldn’t have that huge of an impact on performance, but you yourself don’t seem to believe that, since you just implied that adding these liners would increase survivability from 1 shot to 2+ shots, which is an overwhelming buff.

Like I said, I think a very small minority of players value that little bit of extra immersion over the drawback of “turning the entire game landscape on its head and fundamentally altering the whole matchmaker/not even having Russian/NATO battles anymore”

there’s no inbalance in making all said rounds’ spall richocheting.

There’s no imbalance in making a whole set of nation’s tanks double the number of hits they can take overnight? (and doing nothing to compensate or counterbalance that)


I don’t understand what your confusion is. Russian tanks have spall liners. Russian tanks use APFSDS.

The only major negative flaw of Russian tanks is their ammo carousel alongside their cramped interior making penetrating shots likely to knock out the whole crew.

And Russian tanks are already balanced against NATO tanks in game for battle efficiency by the BR system. The details of why/how among all their other features and dynamics of matches are all irrelevant. Maybe Russian tanks are just actually significantly worse than NATO tanks IRL, so making them both historical would make Russian tanks do worse. Maybe it’s team skill differences. maybe it’s CAS differences in support. Blah blah, whatever, doesn’t matter.

Yet again, it just comes down to basic grade school arithmetic: If you take two currently balanced things, or a balanced equation, and then add a bunch to one side (adding spall liners to NATO tanks), the sides don’t equal anymore. Obviously. Tautologically, even.

So you unbalanced the game.

You can go ahead and add stuff to one side, but only SO LONG AS you also add a bunch to the other side (buffing Russian tanks somehow or lowering their BR) or simultaneously subtract stuff from the side you added to (nerfing something else about NATO tanks, or raising their BR).

bro 80% wr in top tier is not balanced at all … Can I have the same copium dealer as you cause I need some of that

Nonsense. We have only have 2 sources of information:

  1. Gaijin, who is telling you it’s about 50%, who has no incentive to lie about this, even if they are 100% greedy mustache twirling villains
  2. Thunderskill, which is a flaming dumpster fire of a data source, with < 1% of the playerbase, but instead of being evenly distributed, it’s more like “0.01% of the normal players, and 65% of the multiple year long veteran Russian forum squadron sweatlords”, adding up to 1% overall. And then all of its information is wildly out of date, it has none of the players who exclusively use the squadron vehicles that hugely affect the numbers in reality, and it has literally like 20 different massive software/math bugs in it and/or in the visualization graphs that use it. Thunderskill is utter trash, it tells you nothing valid at all.
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Man im tired of copium statements about thunderskill I mean there stats line up to my averages with very very few outliers so why should I doubt them and please show me the statement gaijin said such and the stats to back it up…im not calling you liar I just am interested in seeing what they said cause if we talking entire range of br’s thats very possible what I want to see is what wr is for 11.0+ for all nations

For any* game to simulate.

Soviets main APDS for a long time.

The T-34 is objectively worse than the M4 Sherman yet both have variants that are 3.7 / 4.0

War Thunder is an asymmetrical game. The only thing which justifies fixing disparity is historical reasoning or game breaking imbalance.

Your complaints against include the system hinges on Russian tanks performing worse against NATO tanks by virtue of their design.

I’m sorry reality would impact your performance.

I’m not sure what you’re asking. They haven’t posted statistics, but you know exactly what their statistics WOULD look like if they did post them, based on how they’ve told you BR works: It would be a giant heatmap table of yellow 48-52%, and that’s it, because they say that anything beyond that gets moved. Even if they were lying (again… why?), they’d still post a big yellow chart anyway, because it’s the only one that would be consistent with the previous statements, lie or not.

Man im tired of copium statements about thunderskill

Then address the problems with it analytically (you won’t)

there stats line up to my averages with very very few outliers

You have not sat down and typed in all your numbers and calculated your win rates by every BR range for like 4 hours to compare it to Thunderskill, I was not born yesterday. If you did, share the spreadsheets, then (should only take you like 1 minute since of course you already did all this work, right…?)

Equally judging the current system of balancing off “vehicle performance” is using sekrit documents not accessible by players.

Unless this information is made public there should be no argument made that vehicles “belong where they do” because of their ingame performance.

Your complaints against include the system hinges on Russian tanks performing worse against NATO tanks by virtue of their design.

I legitimately cannot understand your comment at a grammatical level, can you please clarify?

There’s no other possible way to do it, my friend. Anyone who thinks they’re lying (AGAIN… WHY? Ridiculous nobody can answer this question) about the end results, would obviously also just say they lied about the raw data they gave you.

So they literally cannot win that game. If I were them, I just wouldn’t play a lose-lose game in the first place either.

Lol i compared my 11.0 vehicles to its stats this did not take more than 5 mins and a few lower br’s but if its so manipulated they should differ greatly but they dont yes that is not very accurate assessment but its all I have untill I see stats from Gaijin which you now say dont exist for public viewing so

thhow is Gaijin lying??? Never have I said that but they could not tell us…and there is a certain law in a certain country that says misrepresenting vehicles in a game is illegal I really wish NA had this same law too but we dont