Why does MIG-29G get better engines?

Okay I do admit I don’t have MiG-29SMT but still I do have MiG-29 it not like i’m know nothing about it at all
and the fact that SMT have more flare than G and Air to grounds Weapons (I know you are Air RB players to might not care about it too much) is still coming handy thing that G can’t do is good for trade for 1.5 tons at very least

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the 2 KH-29s are worse than the 6 agm-65Ds on the f-16c in every way except range, they miss a lot becuase they are TV not IR unlike mavericks.

dont know why you are comparing the smt to the f16c when we are comparing the 2 Mig29s, the f16c has no relevance here

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Oh, come on you compare it to F-16C that thing design to be Multirole powerhouse of the air force yeah worse than six Maverick agree but MiG-29G don’t have smart air to ground weapons at all. (And i didn’t even mention about F-16C here)

because he thinks the 2 KH-29s are good or something, when they migh be one of the worst AGMs at top tier.

doesnt matter how “bad” they are in your opinion, fact is it is an advantage the G variant doesnt have, believe me german players would love to have an SMT equivalent, because the tornado flies even more as a BUS and has no standoff armaments

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oh yes, did i ever claim G has them? You cannot deny that KH-29 on SMT is the worst AGM at 12.3

and tornado is 12.3?

maybe, but it HAS them, having the possibility is better then not having them

it is the next best CAS we have thats why i named it

You better have it than don’t have it at all and Tornado is sht can’t do the work properly.
SMT might not be good at ground attack, but it still can do it plus can defense itself compare to G that can do only one role only one.

thats not to say that maybe the spawn costs for those missle should be reduced in the case of the SMT, but that is a whole other topic that isnt relevant here

At least the G is good at its role , SMT will be slapped by any 12.0-12.3 fighter if they don’t head-on your radar missiles like a monkey. Any other F-16/Mig-29/Mirage 2K will destroy the SMT in 1v1

the SMT has a great role for GRB and SIM, the better radar allows you to find the target better then the G and then shoot R27ET at them if you wanna stay more stealthy.

The biggest problem is that you mostly see the Mig 29SMT in the ARB role, it is great in other modes

Or you can be in the F-16C and fire invisible missiles in SIM , the advantage of SMT nullified again. Also the 29G has ET as well, again , SMT nullified to trash tier

the aim9ms dont outrange the R27ETs

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so, you knew it weakness well i see bad at 1V1 then why doing it? it like tanks you don’t play around it weakness because if you do you can’t expect good result. well at least Air RB can do that Ground RB? not so much thanks to the map.

the SMT has a way better radar with further range making it stronger for BVR combat, you only see the negative and arent able to see the strengths

Unfortunately 27ET has around 60% the IRCCM of the R-73 which already has pathetic IRCCM, so a random flare not directed at ET will defeat the ET

You will not be firing 27ER 30KM+ anyway , the range of the radar in this case really does not matter.

still stronger capability then the G