Why Does Gaijin HATE Australia

If you really wanted to you could already play a canadian lineup tho. More than enough vehicles that they have historically used are already ingame. If the operator flag is that important to you, then I don’t know what to tell you.
I don’t see canada becoming a tech tree of its own, but reserving canadian vehicles just for one nation seems rather counterintuitive when multiple nations could (and already do) benefit from having canadian vehicles in their trees

This benefit allows Russia to get the Avro Arrow. Well also screwing over Canadians.
Now picture your nation tech spread across multiple tech tree? My I remind you it’s not just Canadians that have a problem with that. Australians also hence this thread existing.

Canada can and should be a tech tree. I can see it being a tech tree. No it won’t be anytime soon as it’s not a nation they can fill with Sovet copy and paste.

The C1 is based on the Leo 1A3 but with a laser rangefinder. Germany 100% needs the standard 1A3 (with just stereo rangefinder and DM13) at 8.3. The C1 in particular would fill BR 9.0, as the A1A1 is massively underpowered compared to other vehicles of the same BR (T-62AM, OF-40 MK2, XM-1 Ch, etc as it lacks thermals or laser rangefinder).

So the 111C was a variant of the 111 that initially was just a slightly upgraded 111A with some 111B and 111G components. It was later upgraded to 111F capabilities. Australia is the only operator of the 111C. I’ve actually come around to the 111C being British, so long as the US still gets a proper squadron vehicle. I’d have the 111D fit that role with AIM-7G. Just something to provide the US with an equivalent to the Su-22M3. AND NOT ANOTHER GAME BREAKING SUBSONIC, GAIJIN.

That seems to be the intent of the post, but many seem to be very adamant about moving vehicles. Which again is fine and has been done before, but there must be consideration for what will fill the role of that vehicle. Especially when many players already have that vehicle or are in the process of obtaining it.

For example, I really hope Poland comes as a full-fledged Tech Tree sometime soon. That would necessitate their crowning jewel of a tank, the Leopard 2PL, being moved to Poland. But I would be strongly against that without a plan for replacement with a similar vehicle such as the Leo 2A4M Can or Pz 87WE.

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Avro Arrow in the russian tree? What are you on about?

I am sure plenty of people are sad that their nation isn’t a tech tree or even really represented in War Thunder, but what exactly would be so bad about having tech from your nation in more than one tech tree?

(Also, the main reason Canada wouldn’t become a tech tree anytime soon has nothing to do with soviet c&p, ALL CANADIAN BRANCHES WOULD BE FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH EXISTING UK AND US VEHICLES)

Ah, here we are people who don’t do their research. go back to Reddit. Canada has more than enough domestic(and domestically modified) stuff just because it is not famous doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Those US copy and past(or modified others stuff) meana UK, Italy, Japan, Israel, and Germany all shouldn’t be tech trees. oh better yet the US tree shouldn’t be a tree. well, all of the with modified.
I can remove all the Copy & paste and still have a Japan-size tree.

Because it is the Snails Rules the one you support. Canada is not a NATO support nation it’s a nation whose vehicles go wherever the snail causes and they will justify Russia having the Arrow.

okay? that’s pretty obvious what does that have to do with what I said?

I don’t see why you can’t understand how someone from Australia/New Zealand might want to have their vehicles all in one nation, so they don’t have to grind multiple trees to play them? The AIM is obviously an exception because it’s a squadron one.

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I can understand that, but it doesn’t fit with the game. Are the people from Australia/New Zealand more special than the rest of the world? Historically these nations got vehicles from multiple countries, considering they aren’t independent tech trees or actual sub trees. There’s no real reason to have those foreign vehicles put into a tree where they don’t belong. Any indigenous vehicle is a great addition as there’s no space in game for them otherwise, but vehicles from nations that are already in game have no reason to not to be in those nations. Maybe focus more on making them actual tech trees or sub tress, instead of another thread complaining that a vehicle built by a nation is in that nation.

Is your opinion more important than the NZ/Aus player who made this thread? They are entitled to air their opinion.

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I never said it was? Or do you think pointing out how the game has worked is asserting that my opinion is more important?


…implies you don’t think the OP should have bothered making this thread/voicing their opinion on the matter.

Even if you think they are wasting their time, you’re not forced to participate in the thread.

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yeah, doesn’t mean that I don’t think his opinion matters just because i think his effort could be more effective somewhere else. But if you want to argue what i think go ahead

I’ve been looking through plenty of aircraft lists for different nations lately. Canada is one of the bleakest looking so far. They had ONE domestically built aircraft and one promising project.
The Canuck isn’t anything to write home about and the Avro Arrow, while looking interesting, isn’t anything that would work well in WT. Everything else is just license built (CL-13 Sabre, CF-5 Freedom Fighter, CL-90 Starfighter) with minor changes at best or bought from the UK and US.

They may have enough tanks to make a ground tree look feasible, but what’s their selling point again? Off-brand Shermans and Grants and later on the LAVs?
Yet all the ground trees for canada I’ve seen end up using only Leopards and the ADATS at top tier for some reason. A tank tree that doesn’t have unique MBTs seems rather weak, don’t you think?

These fanmade tech trees also seem to heavily rely on picking specific variants of US and UK tanks that technically aren’t yet ingame to mask the amount of copy paste going on. Usually the main reason for those variants not being in the game is that they aren’t different enough from existing tank variants to warrant their addition.

I get it, the LAVs are cool and all, but you could just as well mix them into the US tree and into whichever nations that historically operated them as well.

The Rams and Grizzlies on the other hand are mostly like the Australian Cruiser Tanks or the Wirraway and Boomerangs, great premium or event vehicle material, but nothing more. Pretty sure most people don’t even know that Canada or Australia even built their own domestic tanks (or even planes)

Also, no proper combat helicopters apparently.

So, in the end, what would Canada bring to the game as a new “gaming nation”, as they call it?


And so this game should only stick to the famous? why can’t this game be used to have people learn?

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Russia has a sh.t ton of allied equipment everyone has seemingly forgotten that

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Every Tech Tree is like that.
But I’ve noticed it only becomes a problem when it’s the Dominions.
Here, Steam or Reddit. Most hypocritical bunch.

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Yep I like to think that Canada is used if britain has a major gap like the ADATS and the Skink.

God I hope the CAC 17,8, 21 doesnt end up in Amarica as they will be lovely change from the spits

Though what I find kinda funny about that though, is that they added the Bosvark at the same time as the Skink, originally at the same BR. And we probably could have gotten the Tracked Rapier as an 11.7 SPAA.

Dont get me wrong, im glad Britain got those Canadian vehicles (and we should never have gotten the Bosvark, instead we should have gotten something for about 6.3 ish instead) but does kinda make me laugh when they decide to add commonwealth vehicles to the Britain tree to fill holes tha are entirely of Gaijins own making


If only there was a thread where multiple people have already explained the difference

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What the hell? What are you talking about?

You got me there, difference being, the swedish tree has the CVs at that rank to offset that and sweden develops and builds their own planes.
Canadas LAVs don’t even get into that BR according to most tech trees I’ve seen and their planes at that point are license built or imported american ones, hell, they wouldn’t even have a top tier until the Hornets arrive.

And the majority of those are just LAV variants, which might as well just go to the US.
Also, keep in mind all nations enter the game as a air-only nation first, tanks come second. Canada has ONE domestically produced plane and ONE questionable (in terms of gameplay) prototype to offer, everything else is stuff that either already is available in the US and UK trees or will be added to those at some point.

Finland is a subtree and was added to fill holes in the swedish trees and provide some variety to them

Their own MBTs, missiles and domestically developed plane and tank variants.

Subtree again, provides variety and fills some small holes

Another subtree, however with actually unique vehicles (SARC, Concept 3, Ratel, G6, Rooikat, Rooivalk) to provide much needed variety.

Not only was italy the first new nation to be added to War Thunder after launch, they also have loads of domestic vehicles (unique fighters, attackers, bombers, MBTs, SPAAs, TDs and light tanks, helicopters and ships) throughout most of the ranks.

Second nation to be added to War Thunder after launch, just like italy loads of domestic vehicles throughout most of the ranks, but also loads of their own missile systems.

How does that approach screw over anyone? Would you prefer if those vehicles just weren’t added to the game at all?
War Thunder is a free to play game. Of course there is gonna be stuff that you cannot get without paying.
However, you cannot expect every nation that ever built military vehicles to get their own spot in this game.

What the hell are you wafflin about?
Also, I’m not a yank, I’m european.

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