why is when u have no premium time or boosters or premium vehicles and Ur at top tier u only get 1200 RP when u take out 4 base that makes no since but if u have a premium vehicles u get 10k or if u have premium time u get 13k with am 10%rp booster u get 15,000 plus how is this fair mi been grinding the su-34 with my su-24 and i only been getting around 1000-6,000 max with out boosters or premium time i been grinding since Friday the -28 after i got the su-25sm3 i feel like u guys should give us more RP for the people do use prem vehicles i been dealing with mig-23ml/f4s the whole time and its been a literal shit time grinding and only having 10% of my matches getting any huge map of Afghanistan and big map of Spain being the only two maps witch suck u guys got to give us a option for us to choose for big maps or small maps
Edit 1 yea sorry for the bad grammar i don’t really check my grammar when i type really fast lol sorry
Edit 2 should there be a option to be able to choose for bigger or smaller maps
RP earnings in air RB are directly tied to the length of the match, so shorter matches will earn less than longer ones with the same performance. Both premium time and a premium vehicle double the base RP earned, compared to a TT plane.
Gaijin just needs to rework air RB, because it’s in a bad state at the moment. Easiest way to do it is to enlarge maps above 12.3, and add multiple airfields to land at.
Holy grammar batman! Anyway, War Thunder is a Free-To-Play game, for it to continue under development there needs to be micro-transactions. Try not to think about it as barely any RP F2P; think of it as you get substantially more for supporting the development of this game.
The significant bulk of RP you gain is based on MATCH LENGTH x ACTIVITY%.
Optimal RP gain is to gain score to maximize activity% for the match length (~1500 at 15 minutes) and gain SKILL BONUS.
Skill Bonus is obtained by kills. Therefore, an ideal match is one where you gain maximum skill bonus and enough score for highest activity%.
Notable according to data - activity% is a non-linear function whose maximum appears little over 600 seconds or 10 minutes at 0.95. This sounds familiar with how air SB does useful actions and maximum reward (0.92 at 15 minutes)
Despite 3 kills (450 score each given it was a full uptier) and 3 criticals (150 score each), I have only 85% activity. Why?
Because match lasted for 21:58 minutes while I was “active” (the gap is because I crashlanded and repaired - it lines up with repair time).
As you can see also - I flew a non-premium plane (F8E with 232% economy modifier), did zero bombing and got 3 player kills - I gained 13162 research points.
I had 85% activity.
Match lasted for 21:58 minutes ( 1318 seconds)
Won the match
From this data, we calculate raw RP reward at using the aforementioned report I have instructed you to read:
0.85 (activity) x 1318 (time alive) x 2 (victory) x 1.22 (RP/second) x 2.32 (F8E economic modifier x 1.75 (75% skill bonus) = 11098 RP
We’re ~2000 RP off. Let’s find them.
We killed 3 planes.
From the table, 1 plane kill is worth 114. Multiply accordingly,
3 x 114 x 2.32 x 1.75 = 1388 RP
From the table, 1 crit is worth 11.
3 x 11 x 2.32 x 1.75 = 134
From the table, 1 hit is worth 6
6 x 6 x 2.32 x 1.75 = 146
We also took off twice and landed once. The table doesn’t have these values, but that should account for the difference.
11098 + 1388 + 134 + 146 = 12766
We’re 400 RP short from our in-game reward. That’s probably the take offs and landings and other small awards. Severe damage stuff probably also messed with things a little
As such notable update to the report:
1 full solo kill is worth 450 score as reported.
1 full solo kill where you inflict critical damage is worth 600 score. (450+150)
1 kill on an enemy who already got severe damage is worth 450 x 0.4.
1 enemy who you did severe damage to, but was finished by teammate is worth 450 x 0.8.
Checked the battle message thingy and yeah.
We get 94 RP for take offs and 94 RP for landing.
With 1.75 skill bonus (skill bonus unfortunately doesn’t give us an itemized breakdown), this amounts to 330, leaving us with only 70 missing RP.
There’s 19 RP from “activity time” that leaves us with 51 missing RP.
Oddly, we can observe variations in the RP gained for out hits. The score is the same so it isn’t due to BR correction:
We’re expecting hits to be worth 6x2.32 = 13.92 (skill bonus is a different item in the report). Probably the variation is due to the rounding done.
The remaining 51 RP might be attributable to my rounding of decimals and the report missing those decimal pieces in its coefficients in the first place.