Why do they handicap Pantsir

Russians just build different

My comments have been sarcastic just like the OP maybe you should learn sarcasm 😂😂😂

Best SAM in the game.


Russia falling behind, when it is literally the lead nation for SAM systems.

Lolled at bait.

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That checks out i suppose

I dont think theyre planes are sporting an outer fouselage thicker than 15mm and certianly not pure steel on the whole thing, I highly doubt Konakt 5 is actually mounted and used on Su25s

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War thunder forums often dont dissapoint to entertain me


?? Are you refering to yourself?


Perhaps I do

They should remove TOR-M1 from China and give it to USSR now that China has the HQ-17 and give China the FK-2000

Systems like S-300 (or S-500…) are way to overpowered for the Game. Maybe can be added once we also have F-22, F-35, J-20 and the likes in the Game.

Doesn’t the Russian tech tree have a Tor-M1? And Chinese I think.

You mean the XM246, which is just a M247 with smaller guns? The Pantsir is the best SPAA in the game by a long shot.

No, only China has the Tor-M1 - for whatever reason they gave it to China and not USSR idk.

That’s strange. Seems like a Russian vehicle would be added to the Russian tech tree but I guess it isn’t surprising.

It’s even dumber since China has so many domestic Options and now has both the Tor-M1 and the HQ-17 (Copy+Paste but with better chinese Missiles). They could have given China the HQ-17 directly so now we could have had another domestic SPAA for them and the Tor-M1 in USSR Tree…instead of both in Chinas Tree and no domestic/unique one…

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I would prefer Tor M1 in the tree instead of the Pantsir S1. I would trade the missile range for the mobility that platform has to it, because positioning matters much more than just range.

are these better spaa options in the room with us right now?


next time make it x200, I can barely see this