You still seem incapable of understanding sarcasm
Pantsir don’t have 900mm pen on his missiles
I love how a ragebait post is begining to look like a WWE showdown
I wasnt aware of any aircraft that needed 900mm of Pen to bring down
ADATS AT Performance is highly overrated, and America and Britain have no dedicated better SPAAs, so its really not a great tradeoff. I see no reason what so ever for russia to get preferential treatment. All Nations need better SPAA cuz CAS is just plain unfair, but Russia has the best option currently, coupled with some of the best CAS missiles, so i don’t see why they urgently need it )keep in mind Japan stil has a radarless SAM as their best option)
XD, was tempted to take the joke too but decided to take it seriosuly lol
It do sure help against helicopters
Those pesky ERA plates on some jets do be annoying
Okay? As far as I am aware, the Pantsir still one shots any heli without issue, especially as the helis its facing arent the Ka-52 like everyone else.
I would gladly give up the ADATS armour pen abilities in favour of the Pantsir anti-fixed wing capabilities. In fact, I find the ADATS so pointless, that I just run the Stormer HVM at top tier to counter helis instead as its so bad at fighting fixed wing it basically a waste of a line-up slot
its because the KA52 and SU 25 miss their ERA otherwise it would be really usefull, i take advantage of this post to remind gaijin that according to various source that i found on some very trustfull site (reddit and quora) SU 25 can be equiped with kontakt 5.
It’s true, they do be using it in the war, but not Kontakt 5 but 3 type A
How would you pen soviet planes and helis then?
that’s why the italian bomber with the 102mm gun is such an amazing plane, it can pen even the almighty PE8 from the front !
The same way everyone else does?
See best way to put this is Step1: Cope Step2: Seeth and most importantly and I can’t stress this enough Step3: Mald
we are in 2025 and people still fall in the Pantsir suck rage bait, we are trully witnessing history!
Correct me if im wrong but its Exlposive reactive armour. One thing is tanks which hav e 30mm of steel or more behind the ERA, but planes? with like, 5mm of aluminium? how does that not just self destruct the plane?
because its rusky, according to the stat 10mm of russian armor = 100mm of pesky western low quality alloy.