Why do they handicap Pantsir

The Pantsir-S1 is struggling, and with the upcoming update, it’s only going to get worse. It’s becoming less reliable at countering modern air threats, while other nations keep getting better SPAA options. Right now, the USSR lineup is falling behind, and there’s nothing to properly replace the Pantsir.

At this point, a Tor-M1 or another modern SPAA is necessary. Without it, ground forces will be left exposed, and air superiority will be even harder to contest. If nothing changes, Soviet teams will have a serious gap in their air defense.

what can they add:

TOR - M1 (Seems okay)

S-350 (Meh, looks weak)

S-500 (okay after Pantsir S-1)




so true so true

1/10 bait

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1/10 bait but will probably work on the average US main tbf


Gaijoob S-500 pls

I ❤️ parody threads

Buff Pantsir!


It never fails

what can they add:

TOR - M1 (Seems okay)

S-350 (Meh, looks weak)

S-500 (okay after Pantsir S-1)

You should save your best joke for april fool’s day, nearly there buddy. To be fair turkey did captured pantsir so add pantsir to usa.

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We REALLY need the Pantsir-SM

guys gaijin hate the soviet onion guys 😡


Hahaha nice joke dont worry though im sure gaijin will give you S400 or something 😉 Seems about correct

Sure, Gaijin might drop the S400, but we all know the US mains will just cry about how it’s too OP while they keep spamming F-14s and F-15s. At least it’s not another ‘premium’ A-10 with a 90% win rate, right?

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Sure go ahead lol aslong as i can have my Super Hornet with JASSMs it’ll be balanced

0/10 ragebait. in all seriousness though how is S350 meh??? There is nothing even remotly close to matching such a system in game?

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120km vs 600km

The perfect complementary thread to the incessant US main whining about the F18 and the Su-30SM

The best SPAA in game by a long long way is struggling and needs replacing?

Dude, we’ve been waiting for Pantsir equivalents for the other 9 nations for the past 2 years. Soviets need to be the last to get a new SPAA


Meanwhile ADATS with 8KM in game, yeah suuuuure NATO is overperforming with their SPAA