someJDAM has wing and are usually lighter, its a 2000 lb without wing or rocket booster so no, you need to wait the circle to drop it.
No you don’t just try it out at the hangar. Just be careful not to get under 3km or it will miss, use it like 8-9 km ranges, if theres no spaa you could use it at 4-5km, which is good for moving tanks. You have to adjust yourself properly tho. Circle thing is true for the gbu15s.
russia used to be worse in BVR but better in close range with 50G R-77 and TVC 50G R-73 and usa used to be better in BVR but worse in close range with 30G 9M, balanced like a yingyang. however, now russia and china are comparable in BVR with R-77-1 and PL-12 but still better in close range with R-73 and PL-8B. AIM-120C-5 must be added to restore the balance
R-73 means little when they’re attached to bricks.
su30 has tvc bro
You’re blind if you didn’t see any complaining, or more likely you’re just disingenuous. This game is full of everyone complaining when others get something they didn’t get.
This isn’t unique to any one nation. Everyone happy when they get something, especially if it’s better than any(every)one else’s. They’ll try to hold on to this advantage as long as possible and denigrate anyone who says otherwise.
Because now it’s their turn to be top dog.
The Russian cope in the replies is absolutely hilarious.
We’ll see how much that’ll help.
I swear US mains are the biggest cry babies. I guess you forgot the last few updates where Russia has a missile that has half the effective range of the AIM120. I guess you forgot about the original Mig 29 not getting the R73s because US mains like you cried about it. I guess you forgot about Mig 29SMT getting the 90 degree radar nerfed to 85 degrees because us mains like you cried about it.
The thing that amuses me the most is the quality of English for people who go “USA best, should dominate!” is seriously lacking. How is it that germans, hungarians and even russians are more well-spoken than… people who literally grew up in an English speaking country they deem so superior?
(On superiority claims itself: disregarding that battle ratings exist to ideally provide a balanced, equal-chance match-up if using proper assymetric tactics, so if you implement a de facto best aircraft, you need to give it its own battle rating as it’s obviously above its peers)
No reasonable person wants to make Me262s fight P-51-D30s (outside of historical re-enactment events organized in custom matches for fun) and yet, superiority but same BR is demanded for top tier.
I`d like the US, German and USSR mains having to spade a plane with R-Darter at 13.7 in this current meta.
Now that would be a show
It also has like what 50% more g load with thrust vectored nozzle? So HOBs in closer range with an HMD are MUCH more effective?
Which one is the worst fox3 ?
Darter or derby ?
I haven’t used either so just asking.
R-Darter, not tried the Derby.
But everyone seems to agree after trying both.
I enjoy SIM, but it takes like 3 minutes before i miss my US planes
Currently grinding for f16d, i will compare it with the aim120s.
I believe the Derby has a tiny bit better Δv than Darter, but it’s not something you’ll notice in gameplay. For all intents and purposes they’re functionally identical.
I prefer Derby/Darter over Aim120 at closer range, but at medium/long range Aim120 is clear.
Can you use it past 30km tho ?
Or just under 15km.
Under 15km is what ive been told
I could use aim120s with f15e from 38-40km depending on the map. We’ll see the r77-1 against aim120s.
We, them, I, They, US, the others. Dude ill never understand how all those people constantly complaining that of the 2000+ vehicles in game theres always something else better in some aspect continously fail to play said better vehicles. If apparently everyone is only after playing the most newest and op shit this game offers how do they always fail to play it? it’s not so hard. Play the op russian su27s with shitty flight models. Play the t80s without reverse gear and the t90m with shitty reload. Theyre open for research to anyone