Why do they Handicap America

No it doesn’t kill it everytime but the problem is not kh being good, its more like agm65d being bad, i hope every top tier agm65 carriers will get agm65f and it will be better for players to use.


Why laugh? When i bring up genuine real issues you start trolling like a 5 yrold lol

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That’s fair

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F15 I should be equiped Iderby, python 4-5 can be equiped with rampage anti rad missile, spice bomb, rafale shouldn’t have magic 2 but mica ir and its not even talking about the brimstone that should be ff. its weird that you didn’t complain about them.

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Just answer my question bud.
If anyone on here comes across as a toddler that would be you

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Aint no way 2x GBU-15’s are better than 6x AGM65D’s.

Heck, up until Ra’am got given 65D’s, Barak & Ra’am was sat in my hangar whilst i was still using Netz as my top tier CAS because of its access to 65A’s.

Being able to snipe Pantsirs with Mav’s is a game changer.

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Oh forsure and i absolutely agree with you. What they did to the Brimstones is a fucking joke. Thats my entire point. just like with the US helis they wont Give us AGM114Ls but half the other countries get Fire and Forget Missiles. They only pander to Russia in this game and have to NERF everything NATO for “Balance”

Answer mine 1st 🤷

I can’t speak about A2G options, but they have been given the A2A options they have, seemingly for BR purposes.

The logic being, An F-18A with 9L+7M at a BR like 12.7, is a much more competitive aircraft than it being at 13.0 with 9M+7M, on account of the fact it won’t have to get dragged up to fight massively superior 14.0’s every match.

Yes that one is fine Im mostly referencing the C Variant at 14.0

Were you having such coping issues when they added the Rafale and Eurofighter?
Are they not the metaplanes along the F-15E as of now?

Just use gbu39 for pantsirs, most of them doesn’t even move so theres no need to use your main ordinance to spaa, its meant for killing tanks, btw you can carry more gbu31 with f16d. F16c can’t carry 4 gbu31.

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hmmmmm, yes my favorite pantsir player, standing still, isn’t moving, at the same spot, for like 15-20 sec while having a radar signature aproching his location.

Nope i had 0 issues with those planes i was against how they nerfed those too so Russia didn’t get destroyed. Also im coming at this in a Ground RB perspective i only play Air RB to grind for CAS.

Yeah more or less lol. More than 20 sec, more like 50 sec i should add.

Also seems like 50% of Pantsir players isn`t aware of the possiblity to track and engage multiple targets at the same time.
So many of them just tracks the plane while ignoring the missiles heading towards them.
It is entertaining though looking at them


and you still hit them? because i’ve never played a single game where a pantsir sit still in the same place.

Same 😂😂

lol lmao even

You can use gbu 31 for pantsirs, gaijin made great addition for map selecting. Just pin point their location which is spawn obviously, you don’t have to wait for circle to drop your jdams. If you’re fast enough(mach 1 max) it will reach to the target zone.