Why do shots penetrating NERA produce equal spall to shots through normal steel?

You can see other things effecting spall already ingame.

I’m not asking for perfection, I’m asking for anything.

Any reduction in spall.

Don’t get shot.

Don’t post on this forum.

I try not to.

I try not to get shot yet it still seems to happen.

Which tank are you talking about?

Every tank which uses NERA armor.

Are you talking about Abrams?

NERA is basically multiple layers of different materials stacked together. Often they have metal plates between the layers. So it’s expected to generate some spall if the round manages to penetrate NERA armor.

“Every tank which uses NERA armor.”

NERA as it is modeled in the game.

Do you speak English? Is it your first language?

“some” >>>>

I have played a lot of matches in the M1 Abrams. Just try your best to not get shot in the lfp.

That’s wonderful. I’m glad that you have played War Thunder before. I do not understand the relevance to this discussion or thread. It is generally assumed that players posting on the forums have played War Thunder.

Nope. Bangla is my first language.
It’s your fault, you didn’t add any context in your post.

I did not mark this thread for a specific nation and I stated “how it is modeled ingame”. NERA is found on multiple modern MBTs, it’s been used since the 80s.

Here is the link to its Wikipedia page if you’d like a further general overview Non-explosive reactive armor - Wikipedia

Then you should write that in your post. You literally added no context and you are expecting appropriate answers.

It is written in the title post.

You didn’t mention if you are talking about one tank or multiple tanks

I’m sorry that your first language is not English.

It’s not a fuel tank or a spall absorbing material in game. It’s going generate some additional spall if It’s penetrated.