ItPsV Leopard

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People already told you that, but you decided to ignore it i see.

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And this image has no applique armor, and is a earlier model due to other detail ques, yet it has Thermals in the old IR spotlight housing. Which is what was done to Most Chieftains fitted with thermals until AFTER the C1 showed up with its thermals.

IT was a stealth thing, they didn’t want the Russian’s to know they had Thermal imagers. So they shoved the thermals in the old IR Spotlight housings, which was the ONLY thing put in those housings before they were fitted with thermals.

Cause that is not a production vehicle, but a test vehicle according to @DevilO6 which has provided 2 units of evidence that coincides with all the images you posted

Chieftain Mk11 will likely be 9.7 - 10.0, be patient and accept the information Devil provided like I have.

i have a book from 1986 that says ALL of the Cheiftains were fitted with Thermals BEFORE THAT POINT, the Mk11s only came around in the LATE 80s, like 1988-89.

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TOGS didn’t exist until the early 1980s. And did not fully enter service until the mid 1980s.

I have one of those books (ref 30) so let’s look what it says…

That would happen to align with declassified MOD documents stating that TOGS production did not start until 1982 (TICM stands for Thermal imaging Common Module - the thermal sensor used in TOGS):

So no TOGS was not fitted to Chieftains in 1975


That’s a testbed (idk if that word fits) Mk.10 for the TOGS

You cannot reliably bomb anything at Mach.9 without a targeting computer, and if you attempt to fly at the angle you need to for bombing accuracy at that speed you will compress and pancake into the ground like a Kamikaze.

A few battlepasses ago there was a challenge to get kills in a plane at around that speed. I think it was 800km/s or higher. I managed that with the Meteor Reaper only because it has twice the bombs of the Vampire and it still was a crapshoot. I had to look for groupings of tanks, often meaning the exit points for the enemy spawn, and basically carpet bomb them.

Tankograd is part of the Jochen Vollert publisher, which is german…

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Yeah, that’s why CCIP became a thing because radar guns made planes fly faster and lower to stay alive.

Planes and helicopters have a significant edge over SPAA at current

I’m fucking crying, his counter source is the wikipedia page’s footnotes


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I can’t man 😭, if you tried to write something like that in college or uni it’s going in the fucking bin


Well its better than Using AI like most of you mush brains probably would these days.

Seeing as AI is very easily detectable and flat out makes up sources (sound familiar?), no.

idk I think using AI is better than wikipedia page footnotes of books you don’t read


Id rather use Wikipedia than spend $100 to read some dumbfuck 70 year olds book that is full of Bias out the ass.

Atleast Wikipedia is fairly well Moderated, and central leaning.

When I clicked on a source from Wikipedia, not related to the Chieftain, it led to a Thai shopping website that was full of viruses and other shite. Only the locked pages are moderated well enough.

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I hate the growing sentiment among people that teachers were wrong to tell students not to use Wikipedia; it’s a genuinely bad source


I have used it time, and time, and time again, and its never been wrong. So

HELL i trust alot more than books these days, because alot of books are just the same regurgitated information that has never been properly verified.