ItPsV Leopard

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Why on earth you decided to add the version they have so far built TWO of, and haven’t even accepted into service, YET you ignored the ACTUAL production real version of the vehicle that saw SERVICE.

I don’t get you Gaijin.


It also bullied Object 279

There is something EXTRREMALLY fucky about the camera movements of that dude too…


It’s normal for server replays, noticed that he wasn’t even using the APDS to do this. Autocannons can do wonder in this game, spam them enough it will find a dimple to enter your vehicle lol


Eldankajärven jää intensifies!


? It’s literally just a Chieftain Marksman that’s faster.
It’s no where close to OP.
T-55 Chassis would just move it back to 8.3, it’s no real difference.
Also it has 40 rounds of AP, that’s at most 4 frags with good trigger discipline and luck.

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Vehicles like ItPsV Leopard the Gepard are OP. They don’t need their main AP belt to be effective, earlier today a Gepard killed my Vickers tank from the front with DM13s.

They need to have the 68mm pen round removed from their air belts, and they need their radard lock range reduced. I was flying my Vampire 3km up and 4km away from the battlefield and I still had to deal with harassing fire from a Gepard that would have killed me if I didnt take constant evasive action. They make it unfairly difficult to even approach the fight let alone maintain an effective angle of attack for ground strikes.


@Pale_Horse_Rider 68mm is nothing at 8.x…

Find a manual proving it’s too high.


Then why did it kill a tank with 80mm of armor from the front?

That is quite literally the function they’re supposed to provide.

If anything, they need to be more capable.


How the heck is that balanced for CAS players then? Are we supposed to just stop spawning aircraft all together?

Since SPAAs are the cheapest vehicles to spawn and tend to sit in the back wiping them out before spawning a plane is not a viable solution, and because the air spawn at that BR is 15km away they can easily spawn more before you get to the fight anyway.

IMO Radar SPAA should not be that effective at BRs where planes don’t have guidance computers for bombs and thus need to dive bomb to aim their ordinance. If the reality of it is they are meant to be that effective then they all need to go up in BR to meet planes that have a chance of dealing with them.


I personally find it funny that this absolute unit only costs 70 points to spawn. Hell, this thing is one of the strongest 8.7 tanks!

It’s really not hard to kill this thing.

The problem isn’t killing it, its how many friendly’s can it kill before it dies, ive seen then rush in and get 7 kills before they die.

They are also fairly easy to kill, I’ve have gotten several godmode from killing it with M22, a few times it was OHKO to the turret. Its has size disadvantage lol

I remember these things taking 7-8 shots directly to ammo rack (I was using Fox) and not detonating, however for some reason it only affects smaller calibers. Yet my point still stands - this thing destroys tank as easy as other tanks destroy it. HOWEVER it costs 2 times less to spawn!

The AP rounds are kind of your main round for dealing with planes you know. They enter the fuselage or wings and blow the whole thing up from the inside. Far more effective than using the puny little HE belt.
So taking away the AP belt or the AP rounds all together would just cause this to go down in BR quite radically, to a place where people would instead whine about why there’s a highly mobile, stabilized radar SPAA at BR x.
Also, most people tend to dislike playing SPAA due to the fact that they often are completely unable to, or have a hard time fighting ground vehicles. A match is simply not fun when you just sit around in a SPAA waiting for planes to show up, knowing there might not even be a single enemy plane coming. That’s a big reason why players tend to prefer multi-role capable SPAA like the ItPsv 90 and its equivalents. Nerfing all multi-role SPAA to the ground would just cause all of them to be played a lot less, making CAS far stronger than it needs to be at the relevant BRs.

That’s not the vehicles fault, that’s due to spaghetti code and tiny armor holes. A lot of vehicles with high fire rate can pen edges between thick plates despite not being supposed to.


Yeah i was using the falcon yesterday for a spin, sprayed a t62 frontally and eventually it wenr through and nuked the crew… no i wasnt tank chasing with it, just trying to shoot down some dude in a me262.

But yah the gepard and other spaa are an issue.
Spaa range isnt an issue for me, the sheer tank killing capabilities is.

They have darts as energy ammo for defence, yet can go hunter killer on tanks


At least the Falcon doesnt have radar that gives it a shoot here marker for planes it can’t even physically see.