Why change my nickname?

Today I logged into the game and saw that my nickname was changed to Renamed#516
I would like to know why it was replaced.
My nickname consisted of 2-3 invisible characters, it looked like this “ᅠㅤᅟ” yes, it literally wasn’t visually there and I liked the way it looked, it also didn’t seem to violate the rules of writing nicknames, so I would like to know why it was replaced. I’d like to put it back, but if it’s forbidden, then I’ll make myself a regular one.

I assume you know the answer


You should contact a Game Master here on the Forum via pm for clarification.

p.s. Also reading the Game Rules directly concerning gamer tags/names ahead of time might be helpful as well.


I’ve made a quick check on Gaijin’s Terms of Service and there’s nothing related to use of symbols in in-game names, but considering they’re not visible characters, the Staff team may consider this as innapropriate, because other players can’t exactly regonize you:

“3.2. The User is solely responsible for providing accurate and true information and keeping it up-to-date without prejudice to the data subject’s right to rectification as specified in Gaijin’s Privacy Policy. This provision does not apply to the username (unique User’s identifier). Offensive, illegal, and otherwise inappropriate usernames are prohibited.”

“i) utilizing illegal or otherwise non-appropriate usernames (or nicknames), such as the names of terrorists, Nazi leaders, or Nazi war criminals;”


^ That

GMs should be able explain

^ I would be guessing that is the answer